About decisions

"Can you make a promise to me?" Hannah whispered.


"Don't commit crimes again, learn to accept defeat, then rise again. That's life... That's how to be calm, peaceful... never force something that belongs to someone else to be yours," Hannah said anxiously. "Just... do anything that won't land you in jail again. I know you're a good man... I don't want you to end up in jail," she continued.

Samuel smiled and nodded, but his eyes still couldn't hide his disappointment.

Hannah pulled him and hugged him for a moment, then let him go. The woman cried, feeling so guilty for not giving him a chance when he was about to become better for her.

"You can go back to him if you want," Hans said, coming behind Hannah.

Hannah immediately wiped her tears.

"Sorry, I overheard your conversation... but I believe this time he's serious about changing, I'm sure he wouldn't want to risk committing a crime," Hans said again.