
At 10 in the morning...

Hannah left her room looking elegant in a knee-length blue dress with sleeves covering her wrists, carrying a vanilla-colored bag with a small doll charm on the clasp, and wearing blue short heels. She walked towards the terrace, glancing towards the gatehouse far away.

"Hans isn't there. Where is he?" she wondered, then turned to the garage where Jimmy was checking the car engine.

She immediately approached him.

"Hannah, do you want me to take you somewhere?" Jimmy asked without looking at Hannah.

"Um... I just want to be with Hans... I happen to have other plans with him," Hannah replied, somewhat nervously.

Jimmy smiled and turned to Hannah.

"Just say you want to ask him out for a date."

"No..." Hannah blushed. "That never crossed my mind... Please tell me where he is now?"

"Didn't you call him?"