Damian's suspicions

At 9.00 p.m., Damian re-entered the room and saw Valerie sitting comfortably on the couch, watching TV while using her stomach as a support for her snacks. He laughed and approached her.

"How can you do that?"

"What?" Valerie asked innocently, continuing to munch on her snack seasoned with red spices.

Damian sat beside her. "Since when did your stomach become a table?" He asked, hugging Valerie's chubby belly.

Valerie grinned.

"It's so cute!" Damian exclaimed, briefly kissing her belly before taking the snack. "Don't eat too much of this kind of food, too much MSG," he said, placing the snack on the table.

Valerie pouted. "You took my life!"

"What? Is that snack your life?"

"Yes, of course. I love it so much and it never fills me up!" Valerie took the snack back and ate it. "Plus, the doctor didn't forbid me from eating barbecue-flavored snacks... She said it's not a problem!"