Tristan's anger at Karina

Karina had just arrived at the apartment when she found Tristan leaving the room with his suitcase.

"I can't continue living with someone who doesn't truly want me," Tristan said with a flat gaze.

Karina sighed, no longer angry but showing sadness on her face. She didn't hold onto her husband, instead, she walked to the sofa and sat down, throwing her bag.

She remained silent, brushing her hair back and leaning back, but slowly started crying.

"You don't understand me," she said.

"How can I understand you, Karina?" Tristan asked angrily, throwing his suitcase in a random direction and approaching Karina. "You've always had the chance to be better, to earn trust... but what have you done?" he looked at his wife in disbelief, his breath even congested.

Karina remained silent, occasionally wiping her tears.