The Unwilling Recruit

The sun rose lazily over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the small, dingy room where Mr. Collins found himself captive. The Crimson Web, a notorious gang known for their ruthless tactics, had held him for what felt like an eternity. His throat was parched, and his lips cracked from the lack of water. He could barely remember the taste of it.

"Please, "Mr. Collins croaked, his voice barely above a whisper, "I need water."The gang members looked at each other, smirks playing on their lips.

They had been waiting for this moment, the moment when their captive would finally break.One of them, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, stepped forward with a bottle of water. The liquid inside sloshed tantalizingly, and Mr. Collins's eyes followed every movement with desperate longing.

"We'll give you the water," the man said, his voice gruff, "but only if you agree to join us. Become one of the Crimson Web. Otherwise, you can stay thirsty.

"Mr. Collins's mind raced. He had heard stories about the Crimson Web, none of them good. They were involved in all sorts of illegal activities, and once you were in, getting out was not an option. But the pain of his dry throat was overwhelming, and the need to drink was all he could think about.

He nodded, feeling the weight of his decision like a stone in his stomach.

"I'm ready to Join your team" He said while struggling to have a taste of water.

The gang members erupted in cheers, clapping each other on the back and laughing. They had gained a new member, and for them, that was a cause for celebration.

"Welcome to the Crimson Web," the scarred man said, handing Mr. Collins the bottle. "Drink up. You're one of us now."Mr. Collins took the bottle with trembling hands and drank deeply. The water was like a balm to his soul, but as he drank, he couldn't help but feel that he had just made a deal with the devil.

As the day turned into night, and the night into day, Mr. Collins was initiated into the gang's activities. He was taught how to handle weapons, how to move silently in the shadows, and how to show no mercy. With each passing day, a piece of his old self slipped away, replaced by the cold, hard persona of a Crimson Web member.But deep inside, a fire of resistance still burned.

Mr. Collins knew he couldn't let this be his life. He began to plan, to watch for any opportunity to escape. He learned their routines, their weaknesses, and he waited for the perfect moment to make his move. This time around Mr. Collins pretends to be fully part of them and he played his part well.

Cheers erupted from the gang members as they welcomed their newest recruit. Kyle, the enigmatic leader, stepped forward with a predatory smile. "Welcome to the brotherhood, Mr. Collins.

Before Mr. Collins could respond, his phone began to vibrate. The screen lit up with the name of the head teacher from his school. His absence had not gone unnoticed. Kyle's hand was swift, snatching the phone away.

"No contact with the outside world. That's the rule".

Mr. Collins's heart sank. The isolation was complete. But there was more pressing matters at hand—the red virus. He had to convince them of the urgency."Listen," Mr. Collins implored, "the red virus is spreading. We need to find a cure before it's too late".

The gang members exchanged knowing glances, but Kyle's expression remained unreadable. "The cure, you say? It's in the woods. An adventure awaits, and that, Mr. Collins, is your first mission. Take the students there".

"Mr. Collins felt a chill run down his spine. The woods? Why there? And what did these people truly know about the red virus?

Mr. Collins was taken aback by the request.

"But why would taking the students to the woods help find a cure for the red virus?" he questioned. Kyle smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"You see, Mr. Collins, the woods hold ancient secrets and hidden treasures. Legends say that deep within its depths lies a mystical plant with healing properties. We believe that this plant holds the key to curing the red virus.

"Mr. Collins was skeptical. "And how do you know this? Have you seen this plant before? "Kyle chuckled. "Oh, we have our sources, Mr. Collins. Trust me, we wouldn't send you on a wild goose chase. We have our ways of gathering information.

"Mr. Collins sighed, realizing that he had no other choice but to comply. "Alright, I'll do it. But what about the students? Is it safe for them to go into the woods?

Kyle reassured him. "Don't worry, we'll make sure they're safe. We have our own methods of protection. Just focus on finding the plant."With a heavy heart, Mr. Collins called the school and informed them about the unexpected adventure.

As time goes on, Mr. Collins is left to ponder the true nature of the Crimson Web. Are they the saviors they claim to be, or is there a darker truth lurking beneath the surface?What lies in the woods, and what will Mr. Collins find? Will he uncover the secrets of the Crimson Web, or is he walking into a trap that will seal his fate and that of the entire neighborhood?