Chapter 6

Death Trap

As he relentlessly pursued them with the intent to harm Olivia, he abruptly halted his car and made a U-turn.

Olivia and her mother, however, continued driving, desperately seeking refuge in a safer location. Both were breathless and gripping the wheel tightly, unwilling to relent until they were assured of their safety. Though lacking a concrete plan, instinct guided their actions. They even didn't know where they were driving to.

They were just going, running and running.

Unsure of their destination or where they could find sanctuary from their assailant, they cautiously reduced their speed upon realizing they were no longer being pursued.

"Mum, I'm so sorry," Olivia pleaded, locking eyes with her mother and taking her hand.

The tires screeched as her mother brought the car to a force stop. "There's nothing for you to apologize for, my dear," she sobbed, grappling with the fear of losing her daughter. She couldn't comprehend why McCarthy would want her daughter dead.

Midnight shrouded the empty road, devoid of any car from either direction.

Approaching a T-junction, a fallen tree obstructed their path, leading to a dead end. To their left, a large truck, in a state of disrepair, blocked any chance of escape.

"What's that, mum?"

"I believe we've taken a wrong turn," she replied, shifting gears and gripping the steering wheel tightly. "What's happening now?"

Suddenly, a blinding light emanated from Olivia's side, and with terrifying speed, the truck collided with their Toyota pickup, causing it to flip over. The vehicle lay on its roof, tires spinning aimlessly as it laid under a tree behind the road.

Their pursuer, Williams, now revealed, emerged from his vehicle, brandishing a gun as he approached them. But just as he prepared to fire, a speeding car appeared from the opposite direction.

Realizing escape was futile with the approaching vehicle, he chose to flee rather than shoot, assuming none would survive the dreadful crush. His mission was complete.

"Help us, please," Agatha cried out, bloodied and injured. Shattered glass littered the car, piercing their skins. She could bearly call for another help. Her voice failed.

Gerald, feeling utterly helpless after failing his mission to get Olivia alive for his boss. He picked the woman's phone and dialed emergency services for assistance. "I'll find him and make sure to punish him as he deserves: I promise," he muttered before following Williams's trail to get him, leaving the women at the mercy of fate. Then, Agatha lost consciousness as laid with the half of her inside and the other, outside the car.

An hour later...

"Olivia. Olivia," her mother called out, noticing her daughter's motionless form. The overturned car mirrored her own helpless state. Blood trickled from Olivia's nose, her hand trapped between the door and her seat, and her head swinging make blood run down so easily. Her blood had trailed to her mother's end.

"Olivia!" With her remaining strength, her mother cried out bitterly. Birds startled from their slumber as the echoes of a desperate mother's anguish reverberated through the night. "Please, I can't bear this, don't leave me like this..." she reached out to touch her daughter, only to be met with icy coldness.

Death had claimed her daughter; her once vibrant skin now pale and lifeless. She pressed her, pinched her, yet no avail.

"Save the woman, she's still alive!"

"Miss, can you hear me?" a voice called out amidst the flurry of activity as paramedics in yellow coats surrounded them. Some worked to extract them from the wreckage, while others prepared the ambulance. But she sensed a whole lot going on at a time. She wanted to concentrate on her daughter only. The last love of her life.

One reassured Agatha, who was overwhelmed by the chaos unfolding around her. They carefully removed her from the car and placed her in the ambulance, but she continued to cry out for her daughter.

At the hospital, Agatha refused to be separated from her daughter. "Treat Olivia and ensure she survives, please," she pleaded, her voice trembling with grief. Despite her protests, none seemed to understand her, unable to bear the weight of her sorrow, she tempted to hurt herself even more so that she could also die.

"Leave her to me, I'll take care of her," a different doctor intervened, ushering everyone else out of the room. He focused his attention on Agatha.

"Who is your daughter, and where is she?" he inquired gently.

"She's Olivia, and I don't know where they've taken her," Agatha sobbed, her tears a testament to her anguish. "She can't die!"

The doctor turned to a nurse, urgency evident in his tone. "Where is the girl she's referring to?"

"She suffered a broken neck in the accident, and..." the nurse began.

"Silence!" he interrupted, unwilling to entertain further speculation. "Where is she?"

"I'm sorry, sir. She's in the morgue, awaiting identification," the nurse replied.

"I need her brought here immediately!"

The nurse hurried to the morgue and retrieved Olivia's body. As they laid her on the hospital bed, Agatha rushed to embrace her daughter, refusing to accept her death.

"Olivia, you're not gone. You're just angry with me... your father..." she whispered, but her words were cut short as the lights flickered, and the room trembled as though caught in an earthquake.

"What's happening?" the doctor exclaimed, alarmed by the sudden disturbance.

Unaffected by the chaos, Agatha remained fixated on her daughter. Soon, the lights returned, casting a somber glow over the room.

As Agatha lay cradling her daughter, her own wounds bleeding, she was oblivious to the doctor's perplexity. Though puzzled by his own actions, he couldn't shake the feeling that something extraordinary was unfolding before him.

"What in the world..." he muttered, witnessing Olivia's finger twitch. With a mix of shock and disbelief, he approached her, examining her with a flashlight.

"My God! How is this possible? How could she still be alive!?"

His astonishment mirrored by wide eyes and a dropped jaw, he struggled to comprehend the inexplicable phenomenon before him.