Chapter 13


Just a Few Hours Ago

McCarthy had discreetly parked his car nearby to shadow Olivia on her way to work. He trailed her even into the changing room, his curiosity piqued.

He had to conceal himself, remaining silent as he stole glances at Olivia. The indescribable beauty beneath her attire captivated him, leaving him speechless.

When she emerged, he continued to tail her, keeping a respectable distance.

"What exactly do you think you're doing, and what is it that you want?" A fat man confronted him.

McCarthy swiftly caught his, muffling his protest and ushering them both into an open office. When Olivia glanced back, she found the room empty.

"I apologize, I didn't intend to startle you," he offered.

The director eyed him warily, his apprehension palpable. He feared McCarthy meant harm.

"What is your purpose here?" the director inquired cautiously.

"I seek employment," McCarthy declared.

The man scrutinized him, noting McCarthy's opulent appearance.

"Unfortunately, the company is facing financial strain. I can barely afford to compensate my staff, let alone hire new employees like you. Please, leave," the director explained.

Undeterred, McCarthy casually slid his hands into his pockets and settled into the director's chair, exuding an air of nonchalance.

"So, how do you manage to compensate your workers?" McCarthy inquired assertively, assuming the demeanor of a seasoned executive.

He surveyed the office, observing the cluttered workspace adorned with graphs and a solitary standing fan attempting to combat the stuffiness. Even the director's attire appeared unkempt.

"Some work out of passion, while others, like the girl you were observing, I make extra efforts to compensate," the director divulged.

"Hmm, I'm not merely interested in employment. I desire ownership. Sell me the company," McCarthy proposed.

The man was taken aback, realizing his long-awaited opportunity had presented itself.

"£20,000," he blurted out hastily.

McCarthy's diamond-studded watch alone could purchase ten of such companies. The small enterprise specialized in second-rate beauty products.

"I'll pay double," McCarthy countered, prompting the director to drop to his knees. "However, there's a condition."

"What condition?" the director inquired anxiously.

"I require all your employees to work under my command, with a particular interest in a young woman named Olivia," McCarthy stipulated, rising to his feet and unbuttoning his shirt, attributing it to the stifling heat. "If this condition is met, you'll receive double the payment."


Before the meeting convened, documents circulated for employees to sign.

"However, in order for me to assume responsibility and fulfill our obligations, I require all of you to remain with the company," the director implored.

Amidst murmurs and protests, some employees voiced their understanding and consented with nods and thumbs-up gestures.

"I refuse to work alongside him!" Olivia vehemently objected, dropping the box she was holding in frustration, intended for a customer. Those who shared her sentiments rose in solidarity, fists raised defiantly.

"Olivia, you've misjudged the situation," Nelly intervened, retrieving the fallen box and casting admiring glances at McCarthy.

"I'll pay you double what the company owes you if you join my team," McCarthy offered, bypassing introductions.

Several dissenting employees hesitated, contemplating McCarthy's enticing offer.

"Triple the owed amount," he amended before completing his sentence, leaving only Olivia and her steadfast friend standing.

"I'll accept," Nelly proclaimed enthusiastically, waving her hand in the air. "Olivia, this means we can indulge in some fine attire for my upcoming birthday."

However, Olivia remained unconvinced and disheartened by the prospect. The sun had fully risen, casting its luminance upon the scene.

McCarthy's gaze remained fixated on Olivia, despite her evident displeasure with his assumption of authority over the company.

Even under the scrutiny of her peers, Olivia stood resolute. "I cannot work for this man," she declared, turning her back in defiance, poised to depart.

"Miss Olivia, please reconsider. He seems genuine and would likely treat you better," the director implored.

"He's anything but genuine!" Olivia's voice reverberated throughout the makeshift assembly area, her frustration palpable. "I may not know him, but I detest him immensely."

"You will work for me, or you will find it difficult to secure employment elsewhere. You are now my employee, and shall remain so for the next five years," McCarthy asserted, drawing attention to the contractual clause Olivia had just signed.

As murmurs erupted among the employees, the director clarified, "The stipulation applies solely to her."

"Why target only me?" Olivia demanded.

"I regret this necessity, but you must understand. You owe the company, and I couldn't bear to see you suffer," the director confessed.

"I am well aware of my debts. I advanced payments and hold no shame in acknowledging it. Let people talk; it matters not to me. But why subject me to this?" Olivia retorted, her frustration escalating.

"I couldn't bear to see you endure hardship... I loved you deeply," the director confessed, his voice strained with emotion.

"What do you mean by that?" Olivia's irritation mounted."You have a wife and children," she accused.

"I do, but my affection for you surpassed all else…" the director admitted as he walked towards her, thinking he'd be welcomed by a kiss

Before he could finish, Olivia's hand connected with his cheek in a resounding slap, "Taaaawwww!" like that. The sound remained in the corners, scared to fall to the ground. She slapped his spirit, body and soul out of him, leaving his skeletons.

McCarthy inwardly applauded her defiance, envisioning her as a worthy adversary.

Chaos ensued in the room, with employees documenting the altercation for social media. Only Nelly, the timid girl, remained hesitant to act.

Observing Olivia's brazen act of defiance, Nelly hesitated. Olivia's target, an elderly man, was unlikely to garner sympathy from younger women.

"I refuse to continue working under these conditions! Let's see who dares to stop me!" Olivia declared, hurling the papers at McCarthy before storming out.

"If someone resists your approach, let them come to you instead," McCarthy muttered to himself, resuming his business affairs.

Crossing the road to reach her home, a motor bike stopped at her face but did nothing and sped off. Maybe the rider thought he knew her somewhere or might have made a mistake.

Upon her return home, Olivia received unexpected news: a new tenant had moved in. A towering figure cloaked in a long coat, his features obscured by a thick beard and dark glasses.

"Hello, my name is Williams... Williamsburg Anthony, your new neighbor," he introduced himself with a raspy voice.

'When you curse an angel, remember the devil as well, for you never know when he may reveal himself.'