Chapter 13

"To answer your question, she needs three like Talita"

"since we can ask questions without fear of dams"

"hey maria"

She smiled at me playfully.

"seriously now, I tried asking questions to the system and I only got the answer: unavailable questions input, I want to know if you know anything about this"

He spoke in a doubtful tone, looking at me, I don't have an answer for that, let me deal with the system.

'programmed response 01: some users have more privileges than others'

I transmitted the response I received from the system.

"What is this about you and the protagonist? "

Maria complained with a grimace, everything indicates yes, but the system implied that there are levels of privileges, I just don't know where I am in the eating chain.

From the answer I got when I tried to question it, I didn't seem short.

'programmed response 99: there is no registered response'

"who knows I am"

She turned her face away throwing a tantrum and the other girls smiled at her childish behavior.

"Gather here if you find something useful, food, bottles and anything you consider useful"

We started examining the cupboards and the pantry, first I'm looking for something to eat and I almost have a hole in my stomach.

I found a cupboard with cookies, yes I'm not hungry anymore.

After satisfying my hunger, I joined the others at the table that I had mentioned to gather the items that are already starting to accumulate due to the girls' work, there are some that are contaminated, especially the vegetables that were harvested today or yesterday as they are not withered.

I'm seeing a pattern, and I've asked the system before how this infection started and I got the answer I expected.

'programmed response 99: there is no registered response'

I think it has something to do with the water, because what is most infected is lettuce, which is irrigated quite frequently, and also because the only survivors I saw are the only places that have a drinking fountain using bottled water, not straight from the tap. like the one in the cafeteria.

I started separating the infected foods from the others.

"Don't pick up vegetables and fruits, there's a good chance they're infected"

"but I had eaten an apple before and you said it was okay"

"Maria and just a precaution so far I haven't seen any fruit infected, but most of the vegetables are, I think it's the water that's the cause of the zombies"

" Oh okay "

Lais: "Are you sure it's the water? "

"I no longer have the only foods that are infected, they are the ones that probably had recent contact with it and we are the only ones that have a drinking fountain other than straight from the tap"

Lais: "it makes sense"

After separating the infected items, I went looking for anything with a blade, I found two very large and thick knives, and several smaller knives in a compartment under the sink, Lais had picked up more knives on top of the same sink, maybe she thought it wasn't there would be more.

When we gathered everything together we gathered around the table.

"As they decide what we need, I can carry a lot of things on my belt"

"I'm not very good at shopping, if I have food and water, clothes and weapons, that's very good. "

I said a little embarrassed.

Talita: "finally something you don't know"

Me: "everyone has their flaws"

Lais: "let's get all the bottles, even if they are dry we can go back to the fourth floor and fill them up at the water fountain in our living room"

I hadn't thought about that, I said I'm not good with logistics, even though I'm not sure if it really is logistics.

After separating the easily prepared and ready-to-eat foods, they gave me almost everything to put on my belt, to be honest, it almost filled the belt and a lot of food, the rest was distributed into everyone's backpacks.

And regarding the knives, I separated the ones that seem more resistant, I distributed two of medium size to each of the girls, including Carla, the rest I kept on my belt, I have five knives of varying sizes, I have four in the weapons slots and one in hand now I need a coudre for her.

Lais: "Walace, before going back to get water, let's see how Luis is doing"

"Before we go back I want to make something clear, we are going to decide the doubtful things with a vote, there are four of you in case there is an impact I will decide"

I said this because there is a clear division, Maria and Talita and cousins Lais and Carla, so in most cases it will be a tie.

But in a case where they are totally wrong I will simply ignore them, but for now I will let them think they have a voice on this team.

Lais: "and democratic"

talita: "it's fine with me"

"Can I vote too? "

Carla asked, looking at me, I simply nodded, you must have already understood that my words carry a lot of weight.

Lais: "Do you agree to see what you hear with Luis? "

Everyone agreed, she saw that we agreed and went out the door, going ahead, I'm just going to follow because I'm a little curious to see if Luis is still alive.

In case you're curious and it's around noon now, this information isn't very important right now.

Knocking on the door, Lais waited with Carla next to her, Talita and Maria were close to me, a little further away from the door, not very far but not very close either.

The person who answered the door was surprisingly Luis, it seemed like he was fine.

"Did you find anything in the cafeteria? "

He asked, turning to go back in, so far I haven't seen anyone else, something is wrong.

Lais: "some food and some knives"

Luis: "let's share it with the others"

Here comes the hero complex that I had noticed before in Luis, I'm going to have to get rid of it myself, just make sure there aren't any loose ends first.