First time seeing soldiers after the turn.

Chapter 23

While the girls were intimidating the zombies… jokes aside, I killed a somewhat special zombie.

Zombie leader lvl 4: a natural leader of zombies, he planned to hide in the first few weeks to develop, hoping to lead a part of the zombies in this region, a very special type of zombie that only appears every hundred thousand zombies.

He wasn't anything special, just a little faster than a lvl 3 zombie, but I could tell he was intelligent because he was trying to sneak up behind my back.

And he gave twice the xp that a lvl 4 zombie should give.

From what the analysis told me, there must be one more in this city, as there are two hundred thousand people here.

And let's not forget he gave a still white treasure box.

Another lvl 1 Storage Belt arrived, I thought it was good, we need more space, I won't complain.

I see that the girls have finished killing everyone and are already separating a few items, as they know we have limited space.

They are careless when I walk near a zombie and see a treasure box.

"Didn't you forget anything? "

Maria looks at me thoughtfully, Talita looks around the store for something until she sees the box next to me on the floor.

"Sorry" she says and runs to me to get the treasure box from the floor.

As soon as she sees that she couldn't open it.

"Mary and hers"

Embarrassedly receiving the box and opening it, in Maria's hands is a pair of glasses.

Protective glasses: provides protection against low and medium caliber weapons to the head, increases the mind by two points.

"I have a storage belt from a zombie I killed back there, one of you remains, but I want the glasses, ok? "

Talita: "you can keep the maria belt, the next piece of equipment goes to me, is that ok? "

Maria: "thank you"

She handed me the glasses and I handed her the belt.

Me: "since we have more space, let's get more items"

We busy ourselves classifying what would be useful.

We returned to the entrance after about an hour.

We saw the Gonsalves family inside the fence when we returned, Mr. Claudio looks at me suspiciously since I'm the only one without a backpack, since Talita is ahead of me on the motorbike she can carry a backpack now.

" all ready? To go"

"yes, we've already put our things in the car, can you wait a bit while we pick up some things from the mini market? "

"no problem, just don't take too long"

I have no problem with that, it would just be wasted anyway, better for them to go with us than some strangers.

While waiting for the gonsalves to finish, I analyzed the changes in our statuses.

Name: Walacer Lima

Status: excited

Class: magic swordsman

Level: 10 (80/220)

Strength: 14+1

Stamina: 16+1

Agility: 18+1

Mind: 13+3

Skills: analyze lvl 2 (45%), agility up lvl 1 (0%), boost lvl 1 (15%)

Equipment: Storage belt lvl 1, Protective goggles

Points: 0

Name: Maria Lore

Status: excited, happy

Level: 5 (90/120)

Strength: 13+2

Stamina: 12+2

Agility: 12 +1

Mind: 11+1

Skills: abundant harvest lvl 1 (0%), empower lvl 1(27%)

Equipment: Power Shield, Storage Belt lvl 1

Name: Talita Leite

Status: excited, happy

Level: 5 (10/180)

Strength: 10+2

Stamina: 13 (12)

Agility: 13

Mind: 12 (10) skill

Skills: knife lvl 1 (88%), inmate lvl 1 (0%)

Equipment:Power Glove

When the talita leveled up, I gained the recluse skill.

Inmate lvl 1: when activated, it reduces the user's presence and has a 10% less chance of being noticed, increases the mind by two points passively per lvl.

By far the weakest of us is Talita, even taking out of the equation the percentage that talent brings to each point for talent.

Now that we are doing nothing and just observing our surroundings, I see that there are some people on the balconies of the buildings around us extending handkerchiefs with requests for help, I don't think it's for us as they are looking at the horizon.

I think that was the sound of a gunshot, it's far away.

Talita: "Do you think it's the army? "

Me: "it could be or the police"

Maria: "better get out of here soon, I don't think whoever it is is on a mission to rescue civilians"

Me: "probably behind someone if it's like the clichés"

Maria: "I'm going to hurry the gonsalves"

At the end of the street we saw a car approaching us, there's no point in hiding, they've already spotted us, I just pushed the talita to my back, I don't think they're going to shoot, better to prevent it, if it's not a direct shot to the heart I'm not going to die so easily now.

And the army, they stopped about five meters away from us and two soldiers got out of the car, it felt like another one was pointing a gun at my head, better because it was protected.

Soldier1: "are you okay? "

"yes, okay"

The second soldier raises his hand with a photo, it seems that it was as he had thought.

Soldier1: "Do you become this person around here? "

I take a look at the photo and recognize him as the leader zombie that I killed, now it's a complicated situation, I don't know how they will react if I say that I killed him.

Talita is nervous behind my back, they are starting to distrust us, I don't think there's any way.

"Yes, but he was already one of them so I'm not sure if he's the same person. "

Soldier2: "Are you sure this person is already transformed?"

Soldier1: "Can you show where you last saw him? "

"It's in there, it's dead", I pointed to the condominium behind us.

Soldier1: "Did you kill him? "

He said this looking at my sword at my waist, without showing much concern that his target was dead.

"yes, it was a danger for us"

Soldier1: "no problem, just show him where he is"

"it's okay, there are a few other people inside, just warning you not to cause any problems"

After warning, I turn around, taking the talita with me to the entrance of the condominium where the others are.