First death.

Chapter 38

I take a look at how the girls are, they seem angry, understandably when they had the advantage they were bragging about what they were going to do to them.

These bandits are unlucky, it seems that we are the first ones to fall into their trap, better kill them.

Now the real question is whether I kill the girls or not, I think it would be better for them to be in a controlled siege for the first time.

I'm going to make it as less traumatic as possible, I went to the bandits and quickly disarmed them, poor things didn't even have a chance.

I knocked them to the ground and put my hands on their necks, turning their faces down, I think everything is ready.

"Maria, Talita, come here"

They must have realized what I want them to do, Maria is the first to get ready with the knife, even though she has a very good mentality I see her excitement.

"If you don't do it I'll do it one way or another they'll be dead, I just want the first time you take a life to be without real danger"

It goes without saying that since I started holding the bandits back they've been trying to break free, unfortunately for them I have the strength of almost two men, and I'm in a better position to limit their movements.

Even with her hands shaking, Maria stabs the one in my right hand through the ear, he lets out several screams until the volume decreases and there is no more movement.

I look at Maria's face and she is relatively well, a little shaken but I looked like that, Talita won't be able to do it, it would be bad if I pressure her.

"talita, I'm going to let it go this time but you owe me an order without restrictions, there will come a time when this will be inevitable"

I take the knife that Maria left in the other's brain and stab that other one too, only at the base of the skull and he stops moving instantly.

I get up and go to the cars blocking the street and start pushing, shortly after Maria comes to help me with the talita, coming a moment later, without looking at my face.

"look, I'm not mad at you or anything, okay? "

I'm actually a little disappointed in her, but this will pass soon, I don't always get what I want in life.

She looks into my eyes and drops her head quickly.

Talita: "sorry… I'll try again next time"

Maria is staring at me, I can't read her face.

" Yes? "

Maria: "and that you said the same thing to me before, when I irritated you, and you still didn't use the order"

"I haven't needed to use an order yet, and I also like to make you nervous, to know when I'm going to use it"

I said, giving a smile to her shocked face, walking past her to go back to the car.

"Come on, we don't have all day, it's going to rain soon"

The sky is mostly cloudy now, and it's starting to smell like wet earth, the rain is close.

After we got in the car after five minutes it started raining, the girls are talking, not really a conversation and almost a discussion, I'm not going to let them sort themselves out.

The argument is about following orders, they are arguing about who is second in command, it is clear that it is Maria, but I am not going to get involved, sometimes it is better to remain silent.

I want to analyze the rainwater, let me see if I can get it through the glass.

It seems like I can, and just focus on the water, if I don't focus I can't.

Water of evolution: a liquid that, when falling on a non-'living' surface, loses its properties and becomes just normal water. When it comes into contact with a living and previously uninfected creature, it has a low chance of mutating.

Note: intended to eradicate the human species that most harmed the planet, more like the system and fair instead of eradicating it was changed so that infected humans were zombies with a chance to evolve, whoever unlocked the system is immune to the effect of water.

Truly scary, the planet is fighting back, you can understand, just leave me out of this eradication plan.

"We don't need to worry about the rain, it only affects those who haven't woken up the system"

I only spoke when they reached a consensus that Maria is second in command, Talita accepted somewhat reluctantly.

Maria: "and good for you, because you can see us with wet clothes in the rain"

"That's very true, but I'd like to see it without the clothes"

Two can play this game, I want to see if she has the courage to respond.

Maria: "that… was quite suggestive"

He chickened out, Talita is just watching from the side.

Talita: "it's difficult to see you speechless, and it's unexpected that you are easily provoked with sexual conversations"

Crossing her arms, Maria responds in a petulant voice.

Maria: "I may seem foul-mouthed, but I was raised in the countryside as a good girl"

I reached out my hand and stroked his head.

"good girl, good girl"

I receive a slap on the hand and a growl, at least Talita is no longer somber, now she is smiling.

"seriously now, from now on I would like you to talk if there is anything bothering you, I know we are in the apocalypse but let's try to be as happy as possible"

Talita: "I don't want to take any human life"

I had an almost instantaneous response from Talita, I already imagined it, she said take a life, I thought it was manageable.

"I'll take care of this part of taking a life, I want to know if you have any problem disabling a human? "

Talita: "no, I know there are very bad people who need to be stopped"

"Remember one thing every time I need to kill for you, you owe me an order"

Talita: "it's fine with me"

Maria: "There's something bothering me, can I take it away? "

I looked at her questioningly.