Chapter 29: Next stop, Italy.

As soon as Nico passed out, Will barely managed to catch him by the hand before he fell into the water, and pull him into a tight embrace. He instantly felt guilty for tagging along, he should've known Nico wouldn't have the strength for two people! Why, oh, why hadn't he left Nico to go by himself? He knew how bad it sounded, but he didn't mean it like that, he meant it in the nicest way possible. In the caring, doctor-like way. He sighed, and sat down, gently lying his boyfriend's head on his thigh. Absent-mindly, he ran a hand through the boy's hair, thinking. Hades had another child. Kinda a shock, especially after what had happened with Bianca and Nico's mother, he thought the God wouldn't have wanted more children. Apparently, he was wrong, and Kit's exsistence proved it. Maybe Hades though Kit could be a happy child of his, and another exception, like his other child lying in Will's lap. That's what Will believed. That Kit was here as a sibling, but one who was meant to be happy, which is rare for Hades's children. And maybe, just maybe, he was right. Or maybe he was wrong also. It could go either way, honestly, but that depended on the Fates and their decisions. "Nico," He whispered, the guilt and sadness getting to him, "I'm so, so, so sorry. I should've listened. But I just...I didn't want to leave you alone out here. You know anything can happen in a matter of seconds. I....I just wanted to protect you. And can you really blame me after what happened with Kronos recently?" Nico stayed silent, looking so peaceful in his sleep, that Will almost wished he would always look like this. Almost. He does admit, he loves the signature death glare, with extra di Angelo, and crossed arms. Espically when it was pointed at him. He found it cute, in a way, but never showed it. He would always glare back until his lover agreed. Or gave up and caved in. He planted a kiss on Nico's forehead, and cupped his cheek, singing his mother's song. He knew it wouldn't really work as a healing hym but it was something, and it comforted him, hopefully comforting Nico, too.