Chapter 23: Change

When she noticed me a slight blush covered her face and she quickly looked away from me. I then remembered that I wasn't the pile of bones I used to be. She blushed because I looked like a Greek god when I was shirtless. The realization increased my confidence, and I walked to the closet without saying anything. I began to see if there was something in my size among the hangers when Molly spoke. "You could've just asked me to bring you something."

I turned to her with seriousness even though I was laughing inside. "Why? I'm not uncomfortable showing myself to you." Her blush reddened a little and she changed the subject. "Which room do you want? I can take the one down the hall if you prefer this one." I shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I'm sleeping in the same room you're sleeping in. You think I'm leaving you alone when you can get infected?" She crossed her arms in protest. "If you think we're sharing a bed, you've got another thing coming!" I wished. I gave her a dramatic bow and said, "I'll sleep on the floor, Your Majesty."

She rolled her eyes. "Dork." I rolled my eyes back at her and turned to the closet again. The best thing I could find was a boring T-shirt and pants I could sleep in. I would've preferred to sleep naked, but like hell either of us was going to let that happen. I changed in the bathroom and was stunned to find that I was still as hard as a rock. I had no idea what was wrong with me, especially after the mildly irritating encounter we just had. All I could do was hide it the best I could, and when I came out of the bathroom, Molly was under the covers and turned away from me. I then grabbed an extra blanket from the top shelf and settled down on the floor next to the bed. 

I wasn't planning on saying anything else to her but she softly spoke to me once I laid down. "Thank you... For jumping in after me." I looked up at the bed but I couldn't see her. "You're welcome." The room was silent after that. I was surprised she said such a thing and it felt good to hear. After a moment, I looked up at the ceiling and shifted uncomfortably. The carpet was irritating me, as well as my clothes. But what bothered me the most was how my body ached for release. I needed to ignore it and just fall asleep. It took a few hours of rolling from side to side, trying to get comfortable, but I eventually drifted off.

I didn't remember when I fell asleep, I just remember being jerked awake. For some reason, my pulse was going so fast that I could feel it in my head. As my heart pounded, my entire body felt clenched and full of adrenaline. I didn't have a dream that could've caused my body to have such a dramatic response and tried to calm down as I tried to remember what happened. I looked down and saw that every vein was popping out of my arms and my fingers clenched the carpet below me as if they needed to hang on to something.

I bared my teeth from their needless aching and raised a hand to feel that they were sharper than they were before. Sweat fell down my forehead and I jerked in pain at my nerves spiking inside my body. What was happening to me? I tried to look around me for a light that seemed present in the room but I couldn't find it no matter what direction I turned. After a moment, I realized that the light was coming from my eyes and they were illuminating the air around them. What the fuck? Voices echoed in my head and I panicked as I heard them.

They sounded just like the voices in my head when I was insane. "Erin? Mary?" I forced out in a quiet and raspy voice. 'They are not here.' I jumped to the unfamiliar voice that was so deep that it sounded as if it came straight from hell. "Who are you?" I couldn't stay on the floor any longer and stood up despite my pain. 'I'm here to save you.' I didn't believe him one bit. Before I could respond, I turned to the bed and was shocked to see that Molly was gone and a shadowy figure had taken her place. 

The figure had bright red eyes and they were staring at me. I started to shake when the voice kept talking to me. 'It's a monster. It killed your friend. Kill it. Before it kills you too.' My heart sank at the thought that this thing might've killed Molly. What other explanation was there? Where was she? My shaking became more intense as I was filled with so many emotions. The thing's eyes were so menacing that I couldn't think. I decided to do what the voice told me to and walked up to the still creature. I reached out to kill it within my grasp when I stopped myself. Wait. This has happened before. 

I pulled my hand away, suddenly. All of this. It had happened just like this. A creature with red eyes and an overwhelming sense of dread. Voices in my head echoed, and one in particular kept telling me that I had to kill. I ended up killing an innocent person. I gasped and backed away as I realized that Molly was still in the bed in front of me, sleeping. My eyes were just showing me something else. I was about to kill Molly. I breathed heavily and forced myself as far as I could from her. Was my insanity coming back? I didn't remember it being anything like this. I felt so strong at this moment. I felt like I could take down a skyscraper with one punch. 

But still, the hallucinations and the voices were the same. I didn't know what was going on and tried to stay still as a surge of pain rushed through me. I had to force the scream back down my throat and hold a hand over my mouth so I wouldn't wake her. I didn't want her to wake up to this. She would have questions, questions I didn't know the answers to. The red eyes of the monster I saw her as stayed dead set on me and I closed my eyes to get away from them. 'Kill. Just fucking kill. You need to kill.' 

I wanted to scream at the voice and tell him to shut the hell up but I couldn't. Another surge of pain crashed into me and I pressed my back against the wall as I held back the scream. I was covered in sweat now and realized that the pain was from restraint. 'Killing will make everything better. I'll stop hurting you if you would just murder something already.' I never thought I would miss Erin and everyone else that was usually in my head. Right now I wanted them to come back more than ever. My thoughts were stopped by the faint growls and gurgles of the wandering zombies outside. I opened my eyes and slowly removed my hand from my mouth. "You want me to kill? I'll fucking kill."