Eiji’s Disappointment

At a cafe terrace, a mustached man wearing glasses was enjoying a cup of coffee and a roll for breakfast while reading the newspaper.

The man was none other than the disguised Eiji. His white hair was covered by a black wig, and he wore a fake mustache and sunglasses to conceal the charm of the Six Eyes. Additionally, he had applied makeup to make his appearance look ordinary.

As a result, he transformed from a handsome man who could captivate women with his charm into an ordinary man who wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

"I must admit, the Kingdom of Lydia is a prosperous country even though I dislike their racist tendencies."

Eiji found a lot of propaganda in the newspaper, stating that Witches must be eradicated, and humans should rule the world.

Moreover, the newspaper displayed brutally killed Witches with no censorship, showing violent images that shouldn't be seen by children.

"Hey, have you finished your math homework?"

"Yes. How about you?"

"I was too engrossed in watching the concert yesterday. Please, show me your homework."

"Alright. But you're paying for my lunch later."

"No problem."

Eiji noticed two high school girls passing by and talking without paying attention to him. If it were his real appearance, those girls wouldn't behave like that.

"School, huh..."

Apart from those two girls, among the pedestrians, many youths were wearing school uniforms. Eiji had been in the capital of the Kingdom of Lydia for two days. It felt like he wasn't in another world but rather in Tokyo.

Skyscrapers, cars on the streets, an MRT running through the city, zeppelin air balloons flying in the sky, people playing with smartphones, and much more. Except for a magnificent castle in the middle of the capital, which was the emperor's residence, Eiji marveled at how advanced the technology of the Kingdom of Lydia was.

He had visited the library and examined world maps and related information. In the field of science alone, the Kingdom of Lydia led the world and positioned itself as the strongest nation.


Lifting the cup to his lips, he sipped the coffee. Finishing his breakfast, he left money on the table and departed.

His destination was the military facility!


Getting off the bus, Eiji walked leisurely for a few minutes. There were many surveillance cameras in the capital to monitor citizens, so he acted like an ordinary person.

When he found a location without surveillance cameras, he used the ability of Limitless Technique.

Eiji closed the space around him and created invisible walls in all directions. As a result, he became invisible to both eyes and modern equipment.

It's essential to note that the core of the Limitless Technique's ability is to manifest the concept of Infinity into reality, allowing the user to manipulate and distort space at will.

He always wondered why there were only a few derivative techniques of the Limitless Technique.

Before Eiji innovated, the Limitless Technique only had Blue, Red, and Purple. Did the Gojo Family and the Six Eyes bearer not develop the Limitless Technique further?

According to Eiji, the potential of the Limitless Technique was enormous. Anyway, spatial attributes are rare and powerful.

Using anime and novels in Lin Fan's memory as a database, Eiji had many ideas to better utilize the potential of the Limitless Technique compared to its predecessors.

Besides being offensive, the Limitless Technique could also be used as support.

After entering stealth mode, Eiji infiltrated the military area without anyone noticing.



Sitting on a park bench, Eiji drank orange juice alone. Due to his extremely ordinary appearance, no women approached him.

"I shouldn't have relied too much on technology. Although this world's civilization is slightly more advanced, it's not that different."

After infiltrating the military headquarters and seeing many things, Eiji was disappointed not to find anything of interest.

Even though the Kingdom of Lydia was considered the strongest nation, they didn't possess mass destruction weapons like nuclear and hydrogen bombs from the 21st century.

Earlier, he hoped to find mass destruction weapons in small or practical forms. Perhaps a pistol with the destructive power of a nuclear bomb?

If he had such a weapon, he would shoot it at Sukuna, then teleport away or rely on the Infinity ability.

Even if Sukuna didn't die from the destructive power equivalent to a nuclear bomb, at least he would be severely injured, right?

Eiji remembered the battle between Satoru and Sukuna, where his cousin improvised a much stronger Purple by using Blue and Red separately in the form of spheres before colliding physically while chanting the Purple spell.

The imaginary mass released from the collision caused explosions in all directions, destroying most of Shinjuku and defeating Mahoraga while severely injuring Sukuna.

Present Eiji couldn't replicate that method. His Six Eyes hadn't awakened yet, and he couldn't maximize the use of the Limitless Technique perfectly.

That's why he was obsessed with a weapon with the destructive power of a nuclear bomb. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Lydia didn't have such weapons.

"Let it be. Consider this journey a vacation. It's okay not to gain any benefits."

Comforting himself, Eiji felt better.

Compared to the three zombie worlds before, this world was much better.

He made a resolution: if the fourth otherworldly world was a zombie-filled world again, he would destroy that nation.

Although he appeared emotionless, it didn't mean he couldn't feel emotions.

As Kenjaku said, Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerers could destroy a nation.

"Hm? Is there a special event?"

On the LCD screen, Eiji saw the announcement that Emperor Goeth wanted to hold a public conference, and citizens interested in watching could come to the city square.

"Let's see what kind of person Emperor Goeth is..."

Thinking he had nothing else to do, he decided to watch.

Tossing the empty can into the trash, he, along with others, headed to the city square.

After walking for 15 minutes, he arrived at the city square.

Thousands of people already filled the entire city square.

Eiji stood far enough from the stage, but he wasn't worried about not being able to see Emperor Goeth's figure.

The Six Eyes gave him an extraordinary visual range.

He patiently waited for Emperor Goeth's arrival.

Through people's conversations, they also wanted to know what Emperor Goeth would convey in his speech.

Various guesses emerged, such as announcing new policies, the queen being pregnant, showcasing the execution of Witches, and various other speculations.

"I have a feeling that something significant is about to happen."

Eiji always trusted his intuition.