Kidnapper’s Identity

"Um, I'll leave it to you, Sebas."

Ending the phone call, Eiji lay on the bed, the sound of running water from the bathroom echoing clearly in the small room.

Since Kosaki and Haru didn't have passports, they could be considered illegal immigrants. If caught by customs, they would be deported to their home country.

Normally, Eiji would let customs send the girls back to Japan, saving himself from tedious bureaucracy. However, seeing the despicable behavior of Indian men in international news, and witnessing it firsthand, he dared not let Kosaki and Haru out of his sight.

Only God knew what would happen when the two girls were left unsupervised with a group of Indian men.

So, Eiji asked Sebastian to make passports and send them as soon as possible.

"I'm one step behind. Kenjaku has taken Suguru-san's corpse."

Thinking about future problems, Eiji felt the need to make some preparations.

He had just quietly teleported to Tokyo without telling anyone.

As for why he didn't teleport Kosaki and Haru directly, it was because their bodies couldn't handle teleportation between countries.

Returning to the main topic, Eiji planned to destroy Suguru's corpse to prevent it from being misused by Kenjaku.

Sneaking into the morgue, he didn't find Geto Suguru's corpse.

"Now Kenjaku has Suguru-san's body. But it doesn't matter, unlike Satoru Nii-san who was shocked to see Kenjaku using Suguru-san, that method doesn't affect me. So, once I see the Prison Realm, I can respond without delay."

Thinking about this, Eiji's day seemed a bit more relaxed.

The Prison Realm is a Special Class Cursed Object and a living barrier supposedly made from the remains of the famous Buddhist Monk Genshin.

The Prison Realm must be activated within four meters of its target to be effective, and when activated, it will adhere and merge with the victim as if it were part of their own body, holding the new prisoner in place. At this point, the victim cannot move or use Cursed Energy.

Time passes differently in the Prison Realm compared to the outside world. In fact, there is no concept of time at all within the space of the Prison Realm. Therefore, those trapped inside will never age, nor will they die of thirst or hunger, as their bodies do not develop over time.

The Prison Realm can only hold one person at a time, and cannot be used again until the person inside commits suicide or is released.

"Thinking of being trapped indefinitely... It's truly terrifying."

As a freedom-loving person, Eiji refused to be sealed, so he listed Kenjaku as one of the most dangerous individuals after Sukuna.

Furthermore, Sukuna isn't the type to use schemes when facing enemies; instead, he is a battle maniac.


The sound of the bathroom door opening interrupted Eiji's contemplation.

Turning, he saw Kosaki and Haru in pajamas, freshly bathed, the scent of shampoo and soap still lingering.

Without saying a word, they sat on the bed.

"... "

Getting up from the bed, Eiji stood and asked, "I'll buy dinner, you wait here."

"Don't leave me... I beg you."

Haru's reaction was intense; she grabbed his hand, showing an expression of anxiety and fear.

"Kamiki-kun, I know this is a selfish request, can you stay with us a little longer?" Kosaki pleaded.

"Alright. If you two don't mind, I have cup noodles in my storage ring. Anyway, Indian food is known for being unhygienic."

Sitting back down, Eiji was immediately flanked by the two girls.

"... "

Compromising because they had just experienced traumatic events, he let each of them hug his arms.

The atmosphere in the room was silent, only the sound of women crying could be heard.

After feeling that they had calmed down, Eiji gently broached the sensitive topic for them.

"I know you both don't want to remember this painful experience, but I need information. Tell me the timeline of the kidnapping and the characteristics of the individual who kidnapped you."

"... "

As he predicted, Kosaki and Haru trembled with reluctance.

"Don't worry, I'm here. No one will hurt you again, I promise."

Not knowing how to comfort sad women, Eiji remembered an anime romcom he had watched. So, he patted the backs of the two girls and uttered cool words.

Sure enough, this method was quite effective. Kosaki and Haru felt safe being beside Eiji, the fear that had haunted them both gradually disappearing.

"Let me go first."


Seeing Kosaki take the initiative to start, Eiji nodded.

Taking a deep breath, Kosaki inhaled the masculine scent of the man in front of her, which calmed her mind.

"As usual, after school, I headed to the cram school. Then, I noticed pedestrians decreasing until I didn't see any pedestrians. Feeling the situation was odd, I intended to turn back, but a man blocked me."

Pausing for a moment, she bit her lower lip. Feeling the warm hand on her back, it gave her courage.

"The man looked at his phone and observed me as if comparing something. After confirming, he made me faint. Sorry, that's all I know."

"What are the specific characteristics of that man?" Eiji asked.

Pondering for a moment, Kosaki described her kidnapper's appearance.

"He was a muscular young man with a thin body. He had messy black hair and sharp eyes. He wore a headband with parallel line stickers and spiky hair. Oh, I remember, he had a large scar on the right side of his face."

"What about you, Haru?"

Shifting his gaze to Haru, Eiji roughly guessed the identity of the villain who left the two girls in a dangerous place like a slum without supervision.

"The person who kidnapped me was different from Onee-chan. It was a big man with a muscular body, bright-colored eyes, and long blond hair tied with a blue headband. The most notable feature is that the man is lewd because he has two large hearts on his chest muscles where the areola should be. The only clothing he wore was loose pants."

"When I regained consciousness, the person who took me and Onee-chan was the man Onee-chan mentioned."

When Haru met the lewd man, she wanted to stay away from him. Unexpectedly, the other party had targeted her from the beginning.

(Larue and Negi Toshihisa, huh. Don't let me meet you, or you'll regret being born)

Eiji considered the Onodera Family his responsibility because he brought them to his home world. Now someone had done something bad to them, he wouldn't stand idly by.

He would seek revenge!