Don’t dare think you can confine me Part I

"Seriously? You’re going to live off as a semi-professional summoner for the next four months?"

That voice belonged to none other than Tid, Joke’s best friend who was now trying to contact him from Japan after he heard that Joke bought his own very first deck and started venturing on quests in Arcadia to become an amateur summoner today which of course, Joke instantly knew that the person who told his best friend was none other than Madame Fon of the Butterfly store.

“What choice do I have? I need to find some money to use during these four months while waiting for work at that company.” Joke spoke weakly. “And you can drop that thought of me going back home while waiting. It took me ages to come to Bangkok—my father will never let me out of the house again for sure.”

“Oh, that’s true. He seriously wants you back home.”

Artit smiled meekly, his face appearing on the FaceTime screen. The sky of two countries plastered in the background had both entered into nighttime.