Invitation Letter Part II

“Should I meet everyone at the restaurant, then?” Joke asked. “I’ve reached the sky train station already. We’ll save some time that way.”

“No need. Let’s meet here at the shop. Actually, Ms. Kaew called and asked to push the time back to around seven. We can go together. The Madame will drive us there.”

Joke’s brow instantly shot up at that.

“Doesn’t that mean we have a lot of time left? Why are you hurrying me?”

“Obviously because you wouldn’t offer to pay for us if I didn’t call.”

As soon as he heard that, Joke shook his head. He now realized that his friends were starting to learn some tricks and traps to capture his weak point. And he fell for it. Now that he had promised that he would pay for the meal on the day he got great profit, he could do nothing but accept it.

“Alright. Then I’ll head straight to the shop right now,” Joke said in an exasperated tone.

“Okay. Hurry up, though. Another thing, did you bring your deck with you? Ms. Kaew might want to test your skill.”