The green dragon had no need to dodge. The windshield around its body was enough to send the weapon flying backward without the slightest chance of harming it.
But that was not what Eureasa was aiming for!
“Wha–!? She suddenly blinks at her weapon!?”
Indeed. At that moment, her lithe figure disappeared and reappeared next to her weapon, which was still mid-air.
“Th–that’s Weapon Teleport!”
The commentator yelled. At the same time, Eureasa took hold of the spear while still hovering above the green dragon. Then, she lit a small smile.
The tip of the spear illuminated as it was pointed at its target. Within a twinkle of an eye, her silhouette shot down from the sky like a shooting star!
Vindtiana’s ember eyes opened wide. In its shoulder was a gaping wound that was stabbed through.
And Eureasa then loudly crashed into the ground, sending magic particles scattering throughout the area.
“Activate Nature Trap!”