
The woman before him was impeccably made up, her attire understated yet elegant, radiating an aristocratic aura. Yet, he had never found his heart stirred by her.

In a fleeting moment, the image of a delicate figure bustling in a budget milk tea shop flashed through his mind.

"Let's go," said Sophia Greenwood, her eyes curving into crescents as she linked her arm with his.

Meanwhile, Emma Hart, unimpressed by the lavish spread prepared by the housemaid, ordered takeout instead.

When it arrived, she sneakily slipped a $500 bill into the delivery guy's hand, whispering apologetically, "Sorry, I need to borrow your uniform and hat for a moment."

Sticking out her tongue playfully, Emma quickly donned the uniform, pulling the cap down to hide her face.

"If anyone asks, just say you're the new elevator operator!" she instructed before stealthily making her way out, her heart pounding but bolstered by her own quiet encouragement.