Unfounded Confidence

"Mr. Sterling, regarding your previous inquiry about prenatal DNA testing, I've consulted with specialists. It's possible to verify fetal DNA through amniocentesis." 


"However, this procedure poses significant risks to both mother and child, particularly in terms of the pain it can cause to the mother, which can be unimaginably severe, potentially even more so than childbirth itself."


Damien paused, the image of Emma standing weakly under the eaves the day before, braving the weather just to buy his favorite durian pastry, flashed in his mind. 


He wasn't usually one to relent, but at that moment, he had only one thought: he didn't want Emma to endure such pain.


She had been behaving well recently, hadn't she? Given her consistent demeanor, there was no need for her to lie.


"Put that matter on hold," Damien commanded in a gravelly tone.