Can You Forgive Me?

Emma Hart held a steadfast belief that Damien Sterling would indeed find her; she was certain of it. 


Abruptly, the ceaseless flow of traffic came to a halt. 


Once the vehicles in front passed, no others followed, leaving the highway deserted within a minute. 


Emma looked into the distance, puzzled by the sudden change.


Soon after, the sound of an approaching vehicle broke the silence. 


A light pierced through the darkness, illuminating the path ahead as a car sped towards her, coming to a halt right in front of Emma. 


A man emerged from the car, umbrella in hand, striding quickly towards her.


Emma's vision blurred, unsure if it was due to rain or tears. 


A smile spread across her face as she moved towards Damien, who, seeing Emma step forward, hurriedly closed the distance to stand in front of her.