Show of Skill

The basketball court at the school hadn't changed a bit, prompting Emma Hart to fondly recall past memories as she followed behind Damien Sterling, who seemed lost in his own thoughts as he moved forward. 


The court was probably a sanctuary for many high school boys, a place free from the heavy burden of academics and parental nagging, where they could freely express their youth and vigor.


Around the court, girls at the cusp of first loves watched, each harboring a crush on a boy shining under the sun like a prince charming. 


Emma remembered rushing to the cafeteria to grab her meal, then hastening to the court just to steal more glances at the boy she fancied.


Reflecting on those days, the crush seemed somewhat childish, yet the memories were undeniably sweet. 


Regardless of whether those relationships were meant to be, they remained cherished memories of youth.