Working in Secret

The doctor tentatively eyed Damian Sterling. "Do you wish to be discharged, or would you prefer to stay in the hospital?" 


Damian shot the doctor a look that could freeze lava. Since when had it become his desire whether she would be discharged or not? 


Damian, failing to grasp the situation, didn't realize that Emma Hart understood the doctor's underlying fear of him. She probably was fine and knew her own body better than anyone. Emma watched the doctors cower before Damian's simmering rage and decided it was time to contribute to world peace in her own way. 


"I want to be discharged," Emma stated, shooting Damian a defiant glance.


The doctor quickly picked up on her cue, addressing Damian, "Actually, Miss Emma's condition has stabilized. She's been under observation for three hours now and can be discharged."