Identical Design Drafts

From early in the morning, Sophia Greenwood graced the design department with her meticulously applied makeup. Her colleagues, especially those who avidly followed fashion apps and public figures, instantly recognized the latest seasonal outfit she was wearing, their eyes brimming with envy.


"Ms. Greenwood, you truly turn our office into a runway with your daily fashion shows," one colleague remarked with a mix of admiration and jealousy.


Another female colleague shook her head in frustration, "It's just disheartening to compare oneself!"


One woman nudged her friend playfully, suggesting, "Why don't you just find yourself an old man to buy you those clothes?"


Her friend nudged back, both of them bursting into laughter, "Who? You mean you should find one!" The women paused, daydreaming, "Well, it depends on how much he spends."