I Want to Drop Out

Inside their opulent residence, tears once again betrayed Emma Hart's composure, trickling down her cheeks relentlessly. Damien Sterling quickly stood, pulling several tissues from a nearby box and handing them to her.


Emma sobbed for a few minutes before wiping her eyes and facing Damien. "I... I want to drop out of the competition," she confessed, her voice wavering.


Damien's brow furrowed. Emma had been so determined to enter this competition, even making a deal with him to secure her spot. Why would she suddenly want to quit? Could it be...


"Did you see the news?" Damien asked, his head lowered slightly.


"Yes!" Emma's voice cracked with emotion. "Why are they saying these things about me? How have I wronged them?"


"So, you choose to run away?" Damien's response was unsparingly blunt.


"I just don't want to be in it anymore!" Emma was near breaking point.