[Volume 1] Chapter 27- Another Trouble

"Uhh... Good morning, wife," Min-seo face turn red again as he lowere dhis head

'Damn it why did I stuttered again', min seo feels like beating himself hundred times if possible he wants to dig a hole in the ground and hide as he put his palms on his face like attempting to hide.

When the Su brothers heard it, they also came out.

"Good morning, wife," Ji-hoon cheerfully came forward with a smile on his face. Joon-su also followed behind, wiping his hands on a ragged cloth and looking at her with a shy expression; whenever he thought of last night, his face became redder.

"Um, morning." Jiho looked up and saw Joon-su, whose face turned red. Jiho tilted her head and looked at him with confusion but soon realized the mistake she made last night. Jiho felt another seizure of headache as she rubbed her head and walked toward the backyard.

"Breakfast is re..." Joon-su, still talking with a smile on his face, stopped his words as he looked up and saw Jiho leaving. Soon his smile stopped halfway and the ragged cloth fell on the ground as Jiho walked outside the courtyard without even glancing back, sending a chill running through his bones.

'It can't be.' Joon-su looked at his brothers in hope that he was wrong, but the look in Su brothers' eyes shattered his hope. The Su brothers had the same expression in their eyes. Joon-su turned and looked at the place where Jiho left. From childhood to adulthood, what the Su brothers were good at was having a bad premonition, and the bad thing is that it always came true.

Joon-su bit his lips as he lowered his head. Su brothers still feel guilty for making Jiho marry them. They thought as long as they could leave the Su family, they were even willing to live as a servant, but after marrying Jiho, it was the first time they felt alive. They knew even though Jiho does not like them, she still cares about them as family, that's why they became greedy.

'God, you have already snatched everything from us but not again We will not give her too.' Su brothers looked at the sky with eyes filled with determination.

After some time, as everyone sat around the stone table in the courtyard and started eating, today was more silent than yesterday. Only the sound of chopsticks and bowls echoed in the atmosphere. Su brothers looked at the silent Jiho, then at each other, and nodded. Joon-su gathered his courage and put his chopsticks down as he opened his mouth.

"Wi..." Soon, another voice interrupted him.

"Scholar Li," a voice harsher than mere mixed with a bit of arrogance. As they looked up, they saw a man with a white beard, coarse linen cloth, which was also a richness, slowly stroking his beard softly.

"Oh, village chief, please come inside," Jiho stood up and walked toward the courtyard gate and greeted the old man.

"No, no, it's okay, Scholar Li. I come for land deeds, as there are still many formalities left... I'm... let's talk outside," the old man shook his hands and looked at Jiho.

'This bastard...', Jiho lowered her head to not let him see the murderous aura that was now surrounding Jiho. Jiho already knew that even though Su brothers were married to her now, these damn villagers still thought of them as unlucky stars and didn't even want to see their faces. Controlling her expression, Jiho looked at the village chief with a smile.

"Sure, village chief," even though Jiho was smiling, the village chief felt a shiver running through his back as he looked up, but still, Jiho was smiling.

'Looks like I misunderstood.....', the village chief followed outside with Jiho as they were stepping outside, a voice stopped her.

"Wife I...", Jiho looked back and saw Ji-hoon stretching his hands towards her as if asking her to stop, but before Ji-hoon could say anything, Jiho stopped him.

"Darling, let's talk later," Jiho still had a calm smile on her face. Ji-hoon, who had been interrupted, bit his lips and lowered his head. Jiho, when she saw this scene, didn't know why but felt pain in her heart like something was squeezing her heart. Still, Jiho hid her painful expression and walked outside with the village chief.

Even after Jiho left, Ji-hoon stood there as he folded his stretched hand. His eyes turned red. Su brothers who saw their dear brother like that walked toward him. Joon-su patted his shoulder.

"Ji-er, calm down."

"But brother..," Ji-hoon bit his lips and lowered his head.

'Why, just why do we have to go through this,' his eyes started to turn red.


Joon-su looked at the floor, and as he looked up, he saw Ji-hoon, whose hand was painted with red color as blood slowly trickled from his hand and dropped at the flower. He hastily grabbed his hand.

"Ji-hoon, have you gone crazy?" Joon-su shouted as he tore his cloth and started to wrap around the wound.

"Yes, I have gone crazy," Ji-hoon flicked his hands and started to walk outside. Soon, Joon-su rushed and stood in front of him with open arms and looked at him with a worried expression. He knew if he let Ji-hoon go out now, no one knew what new trouble he was going to stir.

"Stop, Ji-hoon, control yourself," Joon-su still tried to calm Ji-hoon when someone shouted, interrupting him.

"YOU BASTARDS COME OUT NOW," hearing the voice, Su brothers looked at each other, and soon a smile formed on Ji-hoon's face.

'Good, I can't do anything to villagers, but him, hehe,' soon an evil smirk formed on his face. Looking at him, Su brothers again looked at each other and then outside.

'Oh dear god, may the person out can find peace,' Kyung ho peeped at the door and felt extremely bad for the person who was going to be executed by his third brother. Only Kyung ho knew how cruel his brothers were when they lost their reasoning. Joon-su, who was still trying to calm Ji-hoon, stopped when he heard another word from the person outside.

"You whores, how dare you enter my house."


Soon, something snapped in the background. Su brothers' faces turned black. They all started to walk outside together while folding their sleeves, ready for a fight.

'This bastard, how dare he...'.

As Su brothers reached outside the courtyard, they stopped and saw a figure of a man, as a cold breeze passed through the black shiny hair, spreading a thick flower fragrance with a little makeup on his face. It didn't take long for Su brothers to recognize this man. Ji-hoon, who thought he could calm down now, felt another urge to beat the person who stood in front him . He looked at the man in front of him, and the last bit of reasoning he had tied after difficulty snapped again.

(I hope you like it and comment to let me know your opinions (=^・ェ・^=)