[Volume 1] Chapter 71- Glass bottle.

Jiho's mind churned with the weight of the old man's words, each syllable echoing in the quiet of her thoughts.

She fell into a moment of silence, her eyes closing briefly as she absorbed the implications of what had been revealed to her.

When she opened her eyes again, a calm determination settled over her features. She looked at the old man with newfound clarity, her voice steady as she spoke.

"If what you are saying is true, and that means the original Jiho also doesn't know who killed her," Jiho's gaze held a hint of resolve, her mind already racing with possibilities.

"Then it means he is too professional that he doesn't even let his target know she was killed."

The old man nodded slowly, acknowledging Jiho's deduction. "Indeed, my dear."

Jiho's calmness faded, replaced by a glint of anger in her eyes as she turned to the old man, her clenched fist a silent declaration of her frustration and defiance.