[Volume 1] Chapter 75-Crumble..

As the weight of the moment settled among them, a heavy silence draped over the room, each breath carrying unspoken thoughts and emotions.

Su Brothers exchanged meaningful glances, a silent understanding passing between them.

Min-seo stepped forward, his presence commanding attention.

His voice, though calm, carried a subtle tremor, adding an undercurrent of intensity to his words as they resonated in the room.

"Kyung Ho, please go and close the door," he directed, his eyes locking onto Kyung Ho's with a mixture of determination and pain.

Kyung Ho, usually reserved and observant, sensed the gravity of Min-seo's tone. With a nod, he silently acknowledged the request and moved swiftly to close the door.


the door's lock echoed in the room, Following suit, each window was carefully shut, shutting out the outside world and cocooning the room in a bubble of determination and resolve.