Volume 1] Chapter 115-You killed your daughter ......

Jiho's gaze flickered with a mix of curiosity and wariness as the old man presented the gleaming necklaces.

The intricate designs glinted under the light, promising powers that seemed too good to be true.

Her eyes widened slightly at the unexpected offer, her mind racing with questions and skepticism.

"Create spatial pockets at will?" Jiho repeated, her voice tinged with disbelief. She took a step closer, examining the necklaces with a critical eye.

They appeared ancient yet strangely well-preserved, emanating a faint aura that hinted at their mystical nature.

The old man's smile was kind but held a hint of mischief as he responded to Jiho's unspoken doubts.

"The conditions are simple," he began, his voice carrying a soothing timbre that belied the gravity of his words. "Wear these necklaces, and you will gain the ability to create spatial pockets at will, allowing you to store and retrieve items with ease."