Volume 1] Chapter 132- Jiao Wei..

,"My wife and I went to the county town to sell the prey we hunted," Madam Jiao's husband explained with a somber tone. "I am a hunter, but due to the disaster, people didn't even have the money to afford rice, let alone meat."

He lowered his head slightly, his expression pained as he continued, "My son has a weak body, and when the disaster struck, he became very sick. We had no choice but to go to the county town. Even after two days of trying, we were not able to sell anything. It felt like all hope was lost."

His voice softened as he recounted, "But then Scholar Li came to our shop. She not only bought a mountain goat from us but also gave us an unexpected amount of payment." The gratitude in his eyes was evident as he remembered the generosity of Scholar Li during their time of need.