Volume 1] Chapter 152- Cooking Together.

Jiho was engrossed in her task when she sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere.

Glancing sideways, she caught sight of her adorable, cat-like husbands peeking towards the door, their eyes sparkling with curiosity and excitement as they tried to steal a glimpse of what she was creating.

A warmth bloomed in Jiho's heart at the endearing sight, softening her expression into a tender smile. She turned around and beckoned them over with a gentle wave of her hand.

The Su brothers, realizing they had been caught, exchanged sheepish looks.

Despite their faces reddening with embarrassment, their shy smiles betrayed their delight as they shyly shuffled into the kitchen.

Jiho's eyes twinkled with affection as she watched them approach, a warm smile lingering on her lips.

"Come on in," she invited warmly, a hint of amusement coloring her voice.