Volume 1] Chapter 158- lost her again..

In the cave's dim light, he turned towards the exit, his steps echoing against the stone floor. Abruptly, he stopped, his back still to the others, and his voice pierced the silence, cold and menacing.

"As you guys wish, I will be calm. But remember, if I lost my wife again then...," he trailed off, his words hanging in the air, heavy with threat.

He turned to face the Su brothers, his eyes ablaze with a dangerous mix of determination and madness. With a chilling calmness, he continued, "I will not hesitate to kill everyone in this world."

Turning away again, he left the cave in haste, his movements still elegant despite the urgency.

The Su brothers, their expressions devoid of emotion, exchanged a silent understanding, their unspoken sentiment echoing his chilling declaration: "Me too."

As Jiho steadied herself, her hand trembling slightly, she pushed open the door to her room, the hinges protesting softly.