Volume 1] Chapter 172 - Elder vs Maria

"Promise me that you guys will never believe anything about me until I say it myself," Jiho said, her gaze steady and unwavering.

The Su brothers exchanged glances, then nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting a mixture of relief and determination.

"We promise," they said in unison, their voices firm.

Jihoon's puzzled tone filled the air as he voiced his confusion, "But wife, I couldn't understand one thing."

Min-seo, catching onto Jihoon's uncertainty, remarked with a hint of amusement, "Is this the first time?"

The playful jab struck a nerve in Jihoon, his expression shifting from confusion to simmering anger as he glared at Min-seo. In response, Min-seo met Jihoon's gaze head-on, both brothers ready to engage in a heated argument.

Jiho, observing the brewing tension, let out a weary sigh. She took a deliberate step forward, positioning herself between Jihoon and Min-seo.