Mila's pov.
We arrived at last night around 9 and I basically collapsed on my bed.
The accommodation was incredible but it was time to get ready for my first day of law school.
I opened the wardrobe pulling out what I had prepared the night before.
A crisp white silk shirt I bought a the dollar store,
along with the black pencil skirt that I inherited from my grandmother.
I hopped into my stockings and the only pair of black heels that I had gotten for the high-school senior dance.
I gelled my hair into a ponytail, not forgetting to grab my lunch box and bag.
The law school is only 10mins walk imagine?
Nothing compared to the hour walk to and from my high school.
I hugged my mother goodbye before walking to the college building.
There is nothing like a decent neighborhood where you life is not in danger,
As soon as you out the door.
I relished in this luxury of safety and added class to my step.
Being early meant I didn't have to zoom by like a sports car.
I fixed my posture and walked with elegance and grace.
Greeting passengers on the way feeling like an extrovert out of a cage.
Wait a damn minute! Hold my phone! Wait,
Is this where I'm supposed to study?
This is not a law school it's a bloody ressort.
I walked up to the security lady flashing school card.
" Morning, Is it your first day here?"
Greeted the security lady as she inserted my card in a box, that began to scan it.
"Yes, any advice to survive here?"
I asked curious while waiting for my school pass.
"Steer clear of the triplets with platnim blonde hair. Riley, Reeve and Resa.
Everyone around them dies spontaneously."
She said looking around to make sure no one would ease drop.
"Especially Riley, I think death follows her, all her friends die one after the other like dominos.
Don't add yourself on that list, as friendly as she is, I think she knows something about these deaths."
Said the security lady and produced a picture of Riley and two girls who look identical to her.
It's the same Riley.
My blood ran cold remembering that I pumped into her.
"Thank you for the heads up, I've met Riley,
You sure about what you said?"
I asked not want to end my new friendship with Riley based off a Rumor.
The security gaurd pulled out a folder and handed it to me.
"Look here child, you don't know about it because The triplets mother is the dean.
Every journalist who had successfully written about the scandal were found dead in creative ways.
Read this and hide it well, make sure you burn it once you done.
The dean got eyes and ears everywhere."
Said The security gaurd who handed me my card smiling sadly.
"I don't think it's by accident that you were hand picked."
Said the security gaurd shaking her head in dismay.
"I deserve to be here for your information, I got straight As and letter of recommendation from school principal.
How dare you insinuate that I got in through the back door and strings had to be pulled?
Just because my mother is not a billionaire doesn't mean I don't deserve to be here.
You are not rich either by the way, last I checked being a security didn't pay well."
I said infuriated by this woman's audacity and I knew exactly what to do.
"You taking it the wrong way, if I were you I'll stop being blinded by luxury and drop out immediately."
Said the security gaurd trying to look sincere.
I know exactly what to do, the dean needs to know whose rubbing her image into the mud.
I smiled gently as if understanding what she meant.
"You are right, sorry I overreacted when you trying to protect me."
I said to which the security guard sighed in relief.
We said our goodbye as I headed straight for the dean's office.
No one deserves to have a rat on their ship in a form of an employee.
I checked my wrist watch and saw that I had 45mins before my first lecture.
I zoomed like an anime sonic the hatch hog till I was at the dean's office door.
I heard a "come in" on the other end of the office and opened the door.
The triplets were seated facing her, and the dean looked not a day from 25 years old.
Literally the most graceful magistic person I've ever seen.
Riley bolted out of her chair excitedly and hugged me.
I awkwardly patted her back and she backed away apologizing.
"Mila why didn't you tell me you'll be studying here?
What a pleasant surprise!"
Riley cheerfully said touching my arm with stars in her eyes.
"Hands off what's mine."
Said the Dean as her red eyes pierced through Riley.
Riley's eyes widened as if realizing something,
Than she backed away with a sad smile.
"What? She literally just 18, how can she be your mate?"
Said Resa standing up not hiding her disapproval.
"Everyone calm down, I think mommy is confused centuries of living will do that to you."
Said Reeve.
"Out Everyone."
Said the dean glaring at her daughters.
None of them wanted any smoke so they left as soon as they heard it.
I also didn't want any drama so after they were gone I made to leave.
"Not you Mila, stay."
Said the dean as my heart raced in my chest,
For unknown reasons.
Than I remembered the folder that the security guard gave me.
I pulled it out of my bag and placed it infront of her.
"What is this?" She asked nervously but tried her best to keep it in check.
"Please open it Miss Dean, than I'll tell you who to fire."
I said standing taller before the dean finally offered me a seat.
I sat on the one the Riley had been sitting on and crossed my leg over the other leg.
"Who gave you this?" The dean asked looking disheveled.
"Your security guard lady. She said that there is a possibility that Riley knows about those campus murders?"
I said and watched the dean go through ten different emotions.
She called someone and in a few minutes the twins were back.
"Girls, I'll call the security guard to my office, you make sure that you collect everything similar to this folder in her work station and bag understand?"
Said the Dean faning herself like she had just caught fire.
"Consider it done." Said Resa and they left together.
"Thank you Mila, another person would want to know the truth from me.
They would of taken this to the police.
Even though it's fake, it's still bad publicity for the campus."
Said the dean reaching out and I instantly reached out too.
The physical contact sent currently of electricity all over my body.
My hand tingled but I didn't let go. The dean's stone face softened abit and she almost smiled.
"So I didn't imagine things after all."
The dean said before full on smiling.
Her red contacts really suited her, and I don't know how I didn't notice how gorgeous she is.
The knock on the door made me jump and I instantly pulled my hand away from the dean.
She laughed softly at that before saying, "come in."
The security gaurd walked in and I remembered the folder on the desk, but it was gone.
With that I managed to calm down.
"Miss Decker I brought you here because I wanted to make changes to our security."
Said the dean smugly and the security lady looked at me.
I shrugged to make it seem like I wasn't in the know.
"Miss Crystal, I can explain!" The gaurd shouted panicking.
"We need to add more cameras In the passages as well as the bathroom."
Said the dean before looking the now relieved security gaurd Decker.
"What was it that you wanted to explain Miss Decker?"
Asked The dean Miss Crystal just to grill the security gaurd Miss Decker.
"I had a similar or same idea as you! Yes, yes uhm yes!
Camera, way too few of them. That is what I wanted to explain."
Piped up Miss Decker lying harder than Pinocchio.
If she had a wooden nose it would of stretched out and gotten long enough to be a pole.
Miss Crystal can't possibly buy that. I certainly didn't.
"That's why you the best Miss Decker, let's drink coffee with cookies to celebrate that great minds think alike. "
Said Miss Crystal rising from her desk.
I swear I didn't mean to check her out but I couldn't help it.
She was slim thick and really tall like a goddess.
Her white and gold three piece suit looking like the hot anime girls that you'll encounter in one of those love choice games.
The first cup was place infront of me and the second one went to Miss decker.