Nothing comes for free

The dungeon was cold, dark and smelled like mold and vomit. Victoria wasn't sure how long she had sat there on the cold ground, chained to the wall by her ankle. But judging by the dark blue sky she could see from the small barred window, she could tell that she had been here for at least five hours, staring detachably at the damp brick wall in front of her, still clad in her fancy black dress which Mallory had taken such care into creating like she did with all her other clothes. She would have been walking around looking like a beggar if Mallory hadn't been around to help her out with that among so many other things since she had been a child.

Getting her captured wasn't the best way to repay for all she had done by far.

Who knows what they were doing to Mallory, she didn't deserve it…any of it. She was innocent, unaware of Victoria's plans. Even if it meant sacrificing her own life, she would gladly do it so Mallory could be free.