Chapter 36: New Enemies

Makaela walked towards her desk, while Zero was just watching her back. The brief period of nostalgia had ended; it was time for the responsibilities.

"So, who are the morons this time?" Zero asked, following Makaela's steps.

"A group that calls themselves Heralds. They were established a few years ago. We still don't know what their objective is, but one thing is sure: they are growing so fast and gaining powerful individuals in their ranks," Mikaela explained. She looked at Zero. "The Twin Stars that you fought before were just among the weakest of their ranks, and the thought that the two of them easily defeated the two princesses is quite concerning."

"Those two were weak, though," Zero commented without hesitation.

"In your standard—don't forget that you are ridiculously strong, and that given I am basing my judgement on my knowledge of you fifty years ago—you were the second strongest member of our party after all. I still don't know what kind of monster you have become," Mikaela said, leaning on her desk. She exhaled. "But for the ordinary people, the Twin Stars are two calamities that could trample kingdoms on whim."

"So, you want me to eliminate the Heralds? I think I can do that," Zero said.

"Don't be overconfident, Cas; I heard most of the higher-ups of the Heralds are extremely powerful—some even can compare to the demon lord Aygibhed," Mikaela warned. "It took our entire party just to defeat him. Now, you need an army, and you need every support you can get in order to even have a chance to defeat them. This is the greatest threat the world of Zecs will ever face."

Zero just nonchalantly chuckled; his eyes had not even a hint of concern.

"Is there something funny, Cas?" Mikaela asked.

"The funny thing is... Mika." Zero looked at Mikaela with confidence in his eyes. "I am much, much, much... much more powerful than Aygibhed could ever imagine becoming," he smirked. "I am invincible."

Slowly, Mikaela's jaw dropped. She was looking at Zero with her shivering eyes. "What do you mean?"

Zero snapped his fingers. "I didn't train for merely fifty years. I spent 47 years looking for a way to become stronger and found a relic item that allows me to repeat the time for one day, but without erasing the injuries I acquired from the erased timeline." His smile became wider and more intense. "Do you know what other thing that relic item won't erase besides injuries?"

Mikaela shivered. "Don't tell me..."

Zero nodded. "Growth." He chuckled. "Yes, Mika. I spent countless years living in a single day, honing my magic capabilities—to the point of destroying the relic item—to become the very image of fear Hikari wanted me to be."

As if she had just lost all of her strength, Mikaela sat on her chair. "That means... you can save the world."

"Yes. And I don't need anyone to help me. That's all you need to know," Zero said as he started to walk away.

"Wait, Cas," Mikaela called as she pulled a wooden box from the bookshelf behind her. "Don't leave without this."

Zero walked back, looking at the wooden box with curiosity. Slowly, he raised the upper part of the box, revealing what was inside.

What inside was a white mask with red roots crawling red ink through the face, from left to right—an Anbu Mask, specifically created for Zero.

"You... you have it," Zero said as his fingers automatically gently touched the surface of the mask. "How did you..."

"20 years ago, it was found by some adventurers in the deepest part of the dungeon. It turns out, before you left that day, you threw this in the hole you created to destroy that wyrm." Mikaela smiled. "You must be very angry that day to think that you just threw the mask she gave you. The only momento you have of her." She shrugged. "To be honest, we were expecting you to look for it first. We actually deployed personnel to find out if you would come—but you didn't."

"It's been so long; I already forgot about this mask. Anyway, I am taking this," Zero said. He grabbed the mask and turned his back. "I will accept the task of destroying the Heralds. I won't expect any tangible rewards; leaving me alone for another century would be more than enough." His boots sounded on the balcony.

Mikaela followed after him. "50 years ago, the moment we defeated Aygibhed and saved the world, Hikari was suddenly sent back to her world. Poor soul, she didn't have the time to even celebrate after countless hardships. I wonder how she is right now."

Zero stopped. "I bet she's fine. An old lady like you, telling stories of her journey to her grandkids. Telling stories about us."

Mikaela paused for a few seconds. "Casimir, tell me. If she didn't propose to you first, would you accept my marriage proposal that day?"

Zero slowly exhaled. "I go by the name Killian now." He stared at Mikaela as he stood on the edge of the balcony. "And no, Mika, even if Hikari didn't propose to me first, my answer would be the same."

A gentle smile emerged on Mikaela's face, and the image of her youthful beauty returned for a brief moment. She slowly nodded. "I see. That's good to hear. Now I can finally rest without doubt and regret."

"I am happy for you, but please don't die yet. Who would boss me if you are no longer around?" He put his anbu mask on, changing his aura from gentle friend into a tyrannical and bloodthirsty Zero. With a baritone and arrogant voice, he spoke. "Because believe me, when you are gone, no one would even dare to think about commanding Zero."

Zero let his body fall into the air, leaving Mikaela behind and watching him disappear from her sight.

"That delightful bastard, he's still looking for a way to bring her back. She's the reason why he's chosen to become stronger," Mikaela said with a convinced tone. "To think that if she didn't disappear, the two of them could have ended up happily married." She turned her back. "The only time he actually decided to commit to someone—it ended up in a tragedy."