Ogre necklace(4)

Time skip 40 minutes.

[You have killed a goblin. You gain 10 exp.]

[You have killed a goblin. You gain 10 exp.]

[You have killed a goblin. You gain 10 exp.] (48 times)

[You have leveled up.] (3 times)


Name: Kenzo Tatsu

Level: 5

Fatigue: Full

Job: N/A

Titles: The Player

HP: 420


MP: 440


Strength: 14                  Vitality: 14

Agility: 9                       Intelligence: 14

Sense: 14


Remaining Points: 26

"I'm never doing that again," I said to myself as I killed the last goblin.

Every time I leveled up, my health would be fully restored.

I wiped the goblin blood off my face as I walked out from the pile of bodies I had piled up somewhere in the dungeon.

[You gained 500 gold]

After looting the goblins of all their gold, I looked on the floor and saw some weapons that I could use. So I did the only reasonable thing someone in my position would do.

[You obtained 15 swords]

[You obtained 40 arrows]

[You obtained 15 bows]

[You obtained 10 wooden clubs]

[You obtained 10 daggers]

[You obtained 3 leather pants]

[You obtained 5 leather chest plates]

After looting the goblins of all their belongings and adding them to my inventory, I took out the leather armor I had acquired and looked at the leather pants and chest plate that I was considering putting on myself.

I took a deep breath before looking at the description of the leather armor I was considering wearing.

[Leather Leggings]

[Item Class: Common]

[Description: Leather leggings made with leather. Wearing this armor reduces damage by 10%. Piercing damage cannot be stopped, however.]

I then looked at the chest piece and realized that it provided the same buff, so I put on both of them.

It looked weird on me, but I figured out that I could make them invisible, and nobody had to see this atrocity on me. So I did.

After fully gearing up, I walked deeper into the dungeon. I was determined to clear this F-rank dungeon no matter what.

As I walked deeper, I entered a hall that was intricately decorated with shiny rocks.

I also noticed a door with a symbol of weird eyes all over it.

"That must be where the boss is," I said to myself as I looked at the door that now stood in my way.

I took out a dagger from my inventory and slowly pushed the door open.

I was met with an arrow that grazed my cheek, narrowly missing my head as I entered the room.

If I hadn't tilted my head to the side, I would probably be dead by now.

I looked at the boss and the creature that had almost killed me and saw a relatively fit goblin


He wielded a huge wooden club, which was probably his main weapon.

He also wore a very pretty necklace around his neck that emitted a weird glow.

"That is not a goblin," I said as I now noticed how tall this monster was. It was probably an ogre or an orc.

I observed the monster, trying to find its stats, and as if the system was reading my mind, a screen appeared in front of me.


[Titles: The Leader of the Goblins]

[Health: 650]

[MP: 10]

Strength: 30                 Vitality: 16

Agility: 4                       Intelligence: 5

Sense: 10

"So he is very dumb, but he hits like a truck," I said to myself as I saw the ogre's stats.

He swung his club at me, and I jumped away as the ground where I stood got shattered.

I landed on a wall, which I used to boost myself toward the ogre. I used my dagger to try and stab into his skin.

I encountered some resistance, so I applied more force until I drew blood.

[You have dealt 16 damage]

I jumped off the ogre's body as he tried to smash me where I stood on his body.

He accidentally smacked himself in the head with his club.

[-33 damage]

The ogre now only had 601 health left, so I continued using the same strategy over and over again.

But something caught my attention. As I dealt damage to the ogre, I could see that his necklace was glowing more and more, and the ogre was getting stronger.

He was getting stronger, but he was also becoming less logical.

I dashed at him, attempting to kill him, but he swung his wooden club at me. Due to my momentum pushing me forward, my body collided with the wooden club, and I was smacked away.

[You have taken 200 damage]

[You have broken a few ribs]

I coughed up a mouthful of blood as I felt my broken ribs in my chest. It was getting hard to breathe, and the ogre was rushing right at me.

While I was struggling, I felt a weird energy in my chest. This time, I didn't try to keep it in, but instead, I let it flow outside my body.

[Skill acquired: Mana Enhancement]

I felt stronger and tougher than before. Using this new skill I had acquired, I relentlessly attacked the ogre while not giving him a chance to catch his breath.

[You have dealt 35 damage]

I maneuvered around his giant arms before reaching his eyes and slashing at them.

[You have dealt 40 damage]

While the ogre was clutching his eyes in pain, I dashed toward his leg and cut his hamstring.

[You have dealt 45 damage]

He fell onto his back, clearly in pain. With his hamstring cut, he couldn't get back up. Taking advantage of the situation, I continued my assault.

[You have dealt 20 damage]

I kept slashing at his arms, attempting to paralyze them.

[You have...]

I then targeted his throat, slashing at it more viciously, pouring all the mana I could into my attacks.


The dagger emitted a blue glow as I lifted it up in the air for the final strike. With all the power I had access to at that moment, I severed the ogre's head.

[You have killed the ogre]

[You gain 1000 EXP for killing the ogre]

[You have leveled up]

[You have cleared the dungeon]

[You have

gained a brand new skill for clearing the F-rank dungeon: Dash]

I was bombarded by notifications, and one notification, in particular, caught my attention.

[Quest: "Beating the Dungeon" has been completed]

[Description: You made a promise to yourself to complete the dungeon by the end of the month]


- 100 EXP

- 1 small health potion

"Neat," I said to myself as I walked toward the ogre and removed the necklace he had around his neck.

I examined the item and read its description.

[Ogre Necklace]

[Item Rank: Rare]

[Description: The necklace of the goblin chief, crafted using the bones of his fallen enemies that he deemed worthy. Once activated, anyone wearing this necklace will gain an extra 15% strength and 4% vitality while also losing 6% intelligence.]

[Skill: Ogre Wrath - The more damage you take, the stronger you become, but the less logical you will be]

[Skill: Ogre Resistance - Once your health drops below 20%, you will take 15% less damage]

My mouth remained open as I read the description of this skill. This necklace was great. Granted, I would be dumber while it was active, but that was a risk I was willing to take for now.

I put the necklace on and felt no immediate difference, likely because it was currently not activated. Just for fun, I decided to activate it for a second. Immediately, I felt the change as my body became stronger and tougher, and my mind became a bit angrier and less logical.