Jujutsu sorcerer (12)

Time skip the next day.

"This motherfucker"I said as I was now in the middle of nowhere and now realize that Gojo gave me a map of Japan and just pointed somewhere and told me that where they are.

"The day that I get my hands on this man is the day, that I will beat his ass," I said to myself as I put the map down.

I then ran on the general direction of where he said jujutsu high was,

Time skip 3 hours.

The figure of a white haired man and pink hair teenager that looked very happy, they were also a gloomy black hair teen with them.

"Gojo sensei, which map did you give him," Megumi said after a while.

"The map of Japan of course, "Gojo said like it was the easier thing in the world.

A look of Why would you do this to him was plastered on Megumi's face while Gojo still had a goofy smile on his face.

"I think that him," Yuji said pointing toward the teenager that was running towards them.

He seemed a bit infuriated and as soon as he got in range Gojo said" Kenzo~kun why are you so late" as soon as those words left his mouth.

A punch stopped literally inches away from his fist as cracks formed where he stood.

"That is not a great way to greet your sensei," Gojo said acting hurt

"You gave me a map of Japan and just pointed somewhere randomly, how did you expect me to find this place," I said a bit mad but I cooled off pretty quickly as the effect of my power kicked in.

"You found it though, so no need crying over some spilled milk"He said with a smile, and I just sight, how can someone be like that, is he ok in the head.

"You are a real pain in the ass you know that," I said looking at him

He just smiled while I just started to just talk with Yuji and Megumi as I didn't want to spend the time we were walking on being mad at Gojo.

"Anyway, you will probably have to talk with Principal Yaga," Gojo said with a smile.

"What about we do that after we go to Tokyo," I said a bit less tense.

"Nice," Gojo said and I now just realize that this man had never removed his blindfold this whole time.

"Kenzo how did you manage to move so fast," Itadori asked curiously.

"I used mana"I answer bluntly and at those words I could clearly see that Gojo curiosity was peak and Yuji seem more curious.

"You don't use curse energy"Yuji said a bit confused.

"Oh you mean the energy curse are formed from, nah I don't use it matter of fact, I don't think my body even has a splitter of it in it" I said honestly

"Would you mind showing us what is mana?" Gojo asked

"Yeah sure I don't see why," I said as I formed a [Purification ball] in my hands and showed it to them.

"It seems calmer than curse energy and a lot purer" Gojo added before I stopped sending mana to my hands causing the ball to disappear.

"That is not nice Kenzo~kun," Gojo said sounding like, I was an adult that stole away a toy that he wanted to play with and experience with.

I just smile happy that I managed to annoy Gojo, although it was only slightly I did manage to annoy the strongest jujutsu sorcerer alive so that should count for something.

As we continue to walk I decided to see how strong everyone around me was and so I used my skill on Megumi.

Name:Megumi Fushiguro(Zenin)


Fatigue: full

Job: Jujutsu sorcerer.

Titles:, The genius, 10shadow technique wielder, grade 2]





Strength:13                 Vitality:16

Agility:20                   Intelligence:35

Sense: 18


I then used it on Yuji, to see his stats.

Name:Itadori Yuji


Fatigue: full

Job: Jujutsu sorcerer.

Titles:Sukuna vessel, The perfect vessel, ????





Strength:37                 Vitality:27

Agility:37                   Intelligence:7



I was a bit shocked to see the question mark but I calm myself down and just relax the whole way through the journey.

Time skip.

"Who are we waiting for exactly" Yuji said after a while of waiting.

'Yeah, who are we waiting for exactly' I thought to myself

"We are waiting for your fourth classmate and teamate" Gojo said happily

I then notice a girl talking to a man about modeling and notice that her energy seem higher than everyone around and point at her while saying.

"Is that her"

"Yes, good job Kenzo," Gojo said energetically.

Time skip.

"The name Nobara Kugisaki and you guys are pretty lucky to hang around a girl like me"She said introducing herself

"I'm Yuji Itadori and I'm from Sendai," Yuji said introducing himself

"Megumi Fushiguro," Megumi said introducing himself.

Her eyes then landed on me before I said" Kenzo Tatsuo"

She seem to be gazing at us and seem to be judging us before she let out "it could of been worse"

I then turn toward Gojo and asked "Where are we going now that we got our last classmate"

"You guys seem to be new to Tokyo so why not have a tour of Tokyo"He said looking at the sky and I just had this look on my face that called Bs.

There is no way this man would do this, this is probably one of his many trolls.

I watch Yuji and Nobara excitement as I stayed on the sideline watching them act like actual children.

They even got on their knees for Gojo waiting for him to announce where we would go first.

Time skip

'Knew it'I though to myself as I saw the building we were standing in front of, I could hear the disappointment in Yuji and Nobara voice in the background, while Megumi was talking to Gojo.

Megumi then begin to explain what a curse spirit is to Yuji and how the fear of human play a major roles in it.

"I want to see what you guy are capable of, Nobara, Yuji the two of you get in this building and exorcise the curse spirit."Gojo said to them

Gojo then handed Yuji a curse tool so he could finally exorcise some curses.

"So why am I here exactly," I said pointing to myself

"You here as moral support," He said with a smile while my eyebrow just twitched slightly.

I then pulled out a health potion from my inventory before I threw it at Megumi.

He caught while saying "What for"

"It will heal your injury just drink it"I said to him, Gojo eye seem like he saw something exciting.

Megumi drinks it after 10 or so seconds and as soon as he did that all his wounds were healed and he no longer needs the bandage.

"What was that" He said looking at me

"A healing pot" I answer softly.

"What is your curse technique exactly if you don't mind me asking" Gojo said curiously

"What is your curse technique and I will tell you mine" I said looking at the blindfolded man.

"It the limitless which allow me to make an infinite barrier between me and my opponent, the infinite allow me to manipulate space and time and create...."He said as he fully explain his technique but I did not fully listen to everything as I just got the basic gist of it.

I then looked at Megumi before he explain his ability to me,

'So that what the ten shadow technique holder titles was about' I thought to myself

"We told you our technique then what is your" Gojo said curiously

"I can control gravity, so far I have figured out that I can make stuff heavier or lighter, I can make someone float, and with practice, I think I can pull and push people toward me, if I gain enough control, I could probably learn how to fly it is pretty versatile and apart from the drain on my mana, it is pretty easy to control"I explained my ability

Gojo looks at him with very suspicious eyes…he wasn't buying it, he wasn't buying that