Black flash (18)

As my hand rapidly healed back to its original state, I couldn't ignore the growing threat surrounding Yuji. It was as if an invisible net was closing in around him, and I knew that these individuals likely harbored ill intentions.

The principal of their school, in particular, had a malevolent glare fixed upon Yuji. His eyes bore nothing but pure hatred, and it wouldn't be surprising if he ordered Yuji's elimination or, at the very least, crippling.

[Aoi Todo has been eliminated from the competition], the speakers echoed, seemingly motivating these people to hasten their dark designs.

I materialized in front of Yuji just in time to deflect an energy blast that had been intended for his heart.

"Are you alright?" I asked Yuji, who merely nodded affirmatively. That was all the confirmation I needed.

Turning my attention to our assailants, I noticed a commonality among them: none was as formidable as Todo. The realization brought a smile to my face.

Without hesitation, I lunged towards the individual encased in a massive mech suit and, with a single powerful punch, bore a hole straight through it.

[Mechamaru has been eliminated].

As the mech suit fell apart, I turned my attention towards the yellow-haired girl who had been trying to make her escape. With a snap of my fingers, I intensified her gravity by at least twentyfold, causing her to plummet back to the ground with a resounding thud that left her unconscious.

[Momo has been eliminated].

Amidst the ensuing chaos, I sensed a concealed attack hurtling towards me. Thanks to my heightened perception, I dodged it with the grace of a shadow, shifting to a vantage point where I remained unscathed.

Without missing a beat, I reappeared in front of Kamo, his eyes widening with dread as my fist met his face with an echoing crunch.

[Kamo has been eliminated].

With rapid precision, I dashed towards the blue-haired girl. She barely had time to react before my strike landed, rendering her unconscious with a swift blow.

[Miwa has been eliminated]

The odds were now overwhelmingly in our favor, leaving only Mai. Surrounded by a group of seven, her escape route was blocked, and it was clear she had no chance. Without a fight or a word, she wisely chose to surrender.

[Mai has been eliminated]

As the dust settled and victory was declared in our favor, I couldn't help but express my thoughts. "That was remarkably easy," I muttered under my breath, even though there was no one in particular I was addressing.

Gojo's voice then echoed through the speakers, praising our performance. His words only managed to irritate me further. However, my focus quickly shifted to Yuji, and I was genuinely taken aback by the change in him.

"Yuji," I said as I approached him, "you've grown significantly stronger."

A proud grin graced Yuji's face as he responded, "I put in a lot of hard work training."

Panda chimed in, teasing us both, "You could've spared a bit of that strength for us, you know."

With a nonchalant shrug, I replied, "I could have, but I didn't want to stand around waiting for you guys to finish whatever you were doing."

Yet, my casual demeanor took a sudden shift as I noticed the darkening sky. I began to look around, my curiosity mixed with concern. "I'm new to this whole jujutsu thing, but is the sky supposed to get this dark?"

My words were cut short as an immense surge of energy bore down on our location, moving at a breathtaking speed. I barely had time to process the impending threat before I was struck by an overwhelming force that sent me hurtling backward several feet.

Shaking off the impact, I quickly regained my footing, my gaze locking onto the source of this unprovoked attack. The mixture of irritation and curiosity that had filled me moments earlier now gave way to a rising anger as I set my eyes on the unknown assailant.

I saw a large tan cursed spirit with black lines running across his entire body. he had a helmet-like head that didn't cover his teeth, branches for where the eyes were supposed to be, and two black lines that zig-zag down his face. Underneath the cloth that he wore, his left arm was entirely black but the fingers were white while his right fingers were black. he also has a larger flower on his left shoulder.

[Systems detected killing intent]

[Kill Hanami]


[Job change dungeon]

[4️⃣5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ exp]

"The fuck are you," I said looking at the monster that had just punched me.

"#^*\<#*==*<]" He said looking at me.

"Sorry I don't speak gibberish," I said looking at the monster.

My eyes narrowed as I realized this aggressor was standing dangerously close to my friend. Without hesitation, I summoned a dagger from my inventory, clutching it tightly in my hand as I declared, "I'll make sure you pay for this."

"><\*¥_+]][" The creature said and I just said "fuck it, let jump him, I am not in the mood to fight fair" As those words left my mouth I looked at Yuji and he nodded his head before he got into a fighting style.

"Megumi, Panda, Maki, and Togei Senpai please get back," I said before I rushed toward The creature and started to punch and slash the creature but he seemed to be tanking everything.

Granted I was heavily holding back but still, this bastard was tanky.

Name: Hanami


Fatigue: full

Job: N/A

Titles: Special grade curse





Strength: 125              Vitality:150

Agility: 100                Intelligence:90



As the battle began, I quickly assessed the situation. The monstrous creature lunged at me with a powerful punch, but I anticipated its move. In an instant, I vanished from its line of sight, reappearing behind it. With perfect timing, I delivered a solid punch that sent the curse hurtling through the air, directly into the path of Yuji.

[You dealt 100 damage]

I could see the confusion on the curse's face, disoriented by Yuji's punch, which seemed to hit twice as if echoing in the air. Before the creature could regain its composure, I repositioned myself swiftly and moved back to confront it. My blade flashed through the air, leaving a trail of glittering energy, and I slashed into the curse's form.

[You dealt 120 slashing damage]

The teamwork between Yuji and me was seamless. It was as if we shared a telepathic connection, our moves complementing each other, making it feel like we were one force against our formidable opponent.

Amid the intense battle, I continued to monitor Yuji's curse energy. There was indeed a noticeable lag, which could prove detrimental if not addressed. I knew he had the potential; he just needed to learn how to control this vital force effectively. So, amidst the chaotic combat, I decided to provide him with some guidance.

"Yuji, remember," I shouted over the tumult of battle, "curse energy flows from your gut and courses through your body, just like your own blood through your veins. Control it."

Yuji's response was swift. He adjusted, and the lag in his curse energy vanished. He was learning to harness and focus the energy that surged within him.

"Focus," I emphasized, knowing that raw anger, while potent, could be unfocused and reckless. We couldn't afford that in a battle against a formidable curse.

As Hanami launched wooden projectiles towards me, I took advantage of my control over gravity. I manipulated the balls' trajectories, causing them to harmlessly strike the ground. In the blink of an eye, I teleported behind the menacing curse, slashing my blade through the thick, gnarled skin on his chest.

The sensation of my blade passing through the curse's tough hide was like slicing through a gnarled tree trunk. Yet, it went through, leaving a vivid trail of slashing energy in its wake.

[You dealt 120 slashing damage]

The cursed spirit seemed to absorb the damage I was inflicting without flinching. It was becoming apparent that I was merely scratching the surface of his immense vitality, especially since I was still in my base form.

Determined to make a more significant impact, I deftly evaded one of his crushing punches and drew upon my abilities. I conjured a [Purification Ball], a magnificent, sapphire-blue orb pulsating with raw, untamed mana. It seemed to hold within it the endless potential to unravel curses and purify all that it touched.

With all the strength and determination I could muster, I thrust the [Purification Ball] into the cursed spirit's gut. The instant it made contact, it began to work its magic, seeking to erode the curse's essence from within. The result was like a beacon of brilliant blue light bursting against the darkness, a mesmerizing spectacle of power and purification.

[You dealt 500 damage]

As I launched the [Purification Ball], a remarkable orb of brilliant blue, I could feel my own mana deplete slightly. But there was no time for hesitation; I couldn't afford to let the cursed spirit regain its strength. The fight continued at a frenzied pace, with my every move calculated to keep Hanami on the defensive. My defenses included rapid dashes and teleportation, effectively evading his retaliatory blows.

In a swift, yet powerful motion, I thrust him away. I was unyielding, relentless in my assault. I intended to leave him no room to recuperate, knowing that any moment he had for regeneration would only prolong this exhausting battle.

Suddenly, there was a shift in the dynamics. Yuji Itadori the vessel of sukuna saw and seized an opening. With sheer determination, he appeared behind Hanami. The punch he unleashed landed with astounding force, causing a profound disturbance in the very fabric of space and time.

Yuji Itadori was touched by the ephemeral power of the Black Flash, an extraordinary phenomenon. His curse energy surged back with a fiery vengeance, resulting in a spatial distortion that was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The very air around him rippled with dark, electrifying energy as his fist connected with Hanami.

A/N....itd not a jjk story without the jumping