
Mahito was only able to grab 6 fingers out of the 9 fingers that were there but he did not have any time to think about it as a reversal red took away half of his body as he left the warehouse.

He looked to his right to see a man with white looking at him.

"Leaving already," The man said in a joyful mood but Mahito could see that he was not going to leave her alive no matter how you slice it and with the threat of his life being on the line.

He immediately tried to open his domain expansion to get away but the white-haired man was faster and just said.

"Domain expansion infinite void" The man's voice sounded very confident and his confidence was well placed as in a domain battle, the man would always win as his domain was much more refined than his.

Mahito felt his brain getting overloaded with information and he could not move, he was stuck in place.

Infinite information flowed in Mahito's brain and before he could do anything else he heard the man's voice" Interesting"

Before he could say anything, he felt his head getting ripped off by the white man and he couldn't do anything to stop the man so instead of trying to stop the man, he tried to save himself.

But he could not do anything as his mind was basically broken, it was healing yes but it was broken from too much information getting in it.

"Let's see what you got there," The man said looking at the curse object the man stole: three curse wombs along with 6 of Sukuna's fingers.

"Oh my, you can't have that," The man said before he took it away from the curse hands.

Mahito's body was however still alive but he was just brain-dead at the moment, there was no other way to put it.

After Gojo took the fingers, he also took the cursed wombs, he then looked at the curve spirit seemingly debating what to do with it.

He looks at the cursed spirit for a while before he realizes that this cursed spirit fits the description of the cursed spirit that Yuji and Nanami encounter.

And from what Nanami said, this cursed spirit definitely has the power to Transfigure humans.

With his infinity still on, he took the curse spirit body and teleported somewhere with it.

He placed it somewhere full of weird paper full of Kanji on them before he locked him up in some sort of weird chains he said "Now that taken care of, I should probably reward Kenzo Kun"

He had a smile on his face as those words left his lips. He then teleported somewhere else.

Pov change

"I truly hope that somebody heard me, "I said as I held my throat as I ran, it was starting to hurt me a bit.

'So this how Inumaki feels everything he uses his technique' I thought as I held my throat.

Even though I just used mana to enhance my throat…..that sound weird….i used mana to enhance my voice, but I still felt some slight pain.

I arrived on a clearing where I saw a weird skinny man on the floor completely beaten.

He somehow managed to get up and I noticed this weird mark on his cheek.

There were only three of them left but while he was on the floor there were four of them.

'that's probably his curse technique' I thought to myself before I realized something.

'How the fuck did I get so smart, I know for a fact I wasn't that bright' I thought to myself

I didn't ponder on that for too long as I watched this man get beat up over and over again and each time he got back up, with one less mark on his face.

"Are those marks extra chances? or extra lives…I can't tell " I said to myself as each time he should have died a mark disappeared and he got a new chance to try over again.

He now had no mark on the left side of his face as he stood back up for the last time and I just watched as that lady who called Gojo an idiot before finished him off.

"That was interesting"I mutter to myself as a tall man with white hair appears in front of me.

I jumped back a bit in shock as I did not feel him at all, he just slipped through all my defenses before I realized it.

"Yow" Gojo said.

"Oh I scared you didn't I, I didn't know you were a scaredy cat," He said with a smile on his face as he saw me jump back a bit.

"You know that appearing in front of people like that is not a good thing right" I said looking at him as soon as I realized it was just Gojo having fun messing around with me.

"Peeping on girls is also not a good thing," He said with a smile on his face.

"I was not peeping on them, I was just observing the fight," I said defending myself.

"if hiding behind bushes and watching the girls below while they can't see you is not peeping then I didn't jumpscare you, "Gojo said with a confident smile.

"you are twisting the truth, "I said looking at him.

"Just like you did not tell the full truth about your power," He said looking at me with a smile on his face.

"That is completely different from what you are doing," I said before I suddenly realized what this man just did.

He had a smile on his face as he said"So you did hide something about your powers, I feel hurt that you would do something like that to me" He acted like I just committed the biggest sin known to man.

"in my defense, you were a white-haired man following a teenager around and somehow managing to get his name and address without him telling you, that is a major red flag," I said to the man scratching the back of my head.

"Alright, how about a deal, I personally train you and you tell me what your ability is," He said suddenly serious.

"What the catch," I said looking at him.

"My curiosity finally get satiated," Gojo said with a smile

"My full ability is more akin to a video game character," I said looking at him...

Even though I probably shouldn't the aspect of training under him was very appealing plus, this man was a walking cheat code, so I probably would learn some shit.

"Go on"He said with a smile on his face.

"I can level up by doing quests and I can also buy weapons, potions, and armor from a shop by using the in-game currency, I have an infinite storage system that only I can access and I gain stat points every time I level up"I explained.

"Interesting, is there anything else"He said looking at me and I lied to him once, im not doing that again

"that's about it apart from that I use mana instead of curse energy, oh I go in dungeons to level up," I said to him.

"Show me," He said with a smile on his face before he suddenly threw 9 fingers and 3 deformed fetuses at me. (A/N…..now use your brains…why would Gojo hand him does fingers.…..leave your answer before reading the paragraph below)

I looked at him with a questioning gaze before he said. "You said you had an infinite storage that only you can use right"

When he said that, I just sighed before I stored them inside my inventory.

pov change

On top of a bone pile of heads and bones sat a man who had a weird look on his face as he said"They disappeared"

He felt like he could no longer locate where 9 of his fragments went as they had disappeared from his range.

But instead of worry a smile appeared on his face as he said"Interesting"

"Guess this won't be as boring as I thought"The man said

Pov end

"Now please show me this dungeon you speak so highly of, "Gojo said with a smile on his face.

I took out a C-rank dungeon Key from my inventory before I twisted it in the air.

A door appeared in front of us and opened, revealing the dungeon inside.

"Once it opens, it won't close till it clears so after you mister the strongest, "I said looking at the man

He smiled before he walked in and I walked right after him, the gate went invisible but did not disappear.

A/N his intelligence stats although it mainly there so I know how much mana he should have, it also help him catch on to stuff pretty easily, like why would a special curse spirit attack a place where they know Gojo is present cause to his knowledge they tend to avoid the white-haired man.

He knows about Sukuna's fingers and as Sukuna was known as the king of curses, the only thing that popped into his mind was, if he was the king of curses, wouldn't Curse want him to come back and reach his full power so that they can topple over the scale on their favor.

If anyone say that telling Gojo his full ability is not what he should do....i don't know about you but training directly under a blindfolded man seems like a sweet deal.