Tough teaching {38}

As Kenzo and his knight intensified their attacks, Kenzo shouted, "I hope you don't mind being jumped, Gojo-sensei!"

Gojo, effortlessly dodging a strike from the knight, replied with a smirk, "Try your best, Kenzo."

The battlefield echoed with clashes and the sound of displaced air as the combatants moved with remarkable speed. Kenzo, fueled by determination, threw a flurry of strikes, the knight mirroring his movements. Gojo, seemingly enjoying the challenge, effortlessly avoided or parried each attack.

As Kenzo swiftly switched places with his Igris, he aiming to land a punch on Gojo, and a familiar red energy emanated. In that split second, Kenzo realized, "Shit..." before an unseen force sent him hurtling through the air. The impact echoed through the empty space, highlighting the vast difference in their strength.

"So you can take a hit huh? Guess I don't have to hold back that much," Gojo remarked with a smile. In a swift motion, he closed the distance between them, and while Kenzo was still mid-air, Gojo unleashed his Powerful Lapse Blue. The powerful force pulled Kenzo towards him, setting the stage for Gojo to throw a punch.

However, Kenzo, quick on his feet, managed to switch places with one of his shadow soldiers. Unfortunately for the shadow soldier, it was obliterated in a single, powerful hit.

Gojo smiled as he saw Kenzo effectively dodge his attack. He surged forward, attacking the teen with even greater force. Kenzo, refusing to limit himself, decided to go all out. He made his knight use domain amplification while simultaneously employing his gravity technique, making himself heavier and increasing his mass. (before y'all ask why he does that, he is faster than Gojo.....let me rephrase myself, he is faster than this restrained Gojo and what he wants is to damage the man and nothing more)

The clash between them intensified, each strike and block sending shockwaves through the air.

Kenzo and Gojo were engaged in a fierce battle, their movements a blur of calculated strikes and swift dodges.

Gojo utilized his signature techniques: the blue, red, and. The blue attracted objects toward him, the red repelled them

Kenzo, determined to hold his ground, employed his own skills. His gravity manipulation allowed him to alter the mass of objects, making them denser or lighter.

He danced between the effects of Gojo's techniques, leveraging his understanding of physics and his technique.

Gojo lunged forward, a barrage of punches aimed at Kenzo. The air crackled with each impact as Kenzo deftly blocked and dodged. He used control over gravity to push away Gojo's strikes, countering with a swift kick. Gojo, impressed, grinned.

"Nice, Kenzo. But you're still not fast enough." Gojo unleashed a rapid series of blows, forcing Kenzo to focus on his agility. He evaded, anticipating each strike.

As the intensity heightened, Gojo decided to escalate. He activated the blue technique, creating a gravitational pull that affected everything in the vicinity. Debris, rocks, and even dust converged toward him. Kenzo adapted, using his gravity manipulation to navigate through the swirling chaos.

"What's your next move, Kenzo?" Gojo taunted, enjoying the challenge.

Kenzo, maintaining his focus, summoned his Igris, which provided a buffer against the incoming onslaught. As tIgris pushed away the debris, Kenzo seized the opportunity to dash towards Gojo.

"Let's see how you handle this!" Kenzo unleashed a burst of gravity, making Gojo significantly heavier. The sudden change caught Gojo off guard, slowing down his movements.

"Crafty," Gojo remarked, adjusting to the altered dynamics. He countered with a powerful blue technique, pulling Kenzo toward him. The collision between their forces created shockwaves, but Kenzo was ready.

Switching places with his knight, Kenzo avoided the direct impact. However, Gojo adapted swiftly, utilizing his purple technique to destroy the knight.

"Ayo," Kenzo muttered, narrowly evading the hollow purple. If that cursed technique hit him, it would be a serious setback. He wouldn't die, but the damage would be significant. However, before he could dwell on it, Gojo was already behind him, ready to continue the onslaught.

Kenzo wielded his mana with newfound aggression, forming it into arrows that shot toward Gojo. The blindfolded sensei, reacting swiftly, leaped backward, landing near Kenzo's shadow soldier. In a seamless move, Kenzo switched places with the soldier, appearing right behind Gojo.

With a spinning ball of energy in his hands, Kenzo wasted no time. He thrust the concentrated mana directly into Gojo's guts, hoping to capitalize on the momentary disorientation.

Without wasting a second he rushed toward him before throwing the strongest punch that he could muster.

He may or may not have put all his pent-up aggression into that punch.

Kenzo felt the hit land as he saw Gojo's body go back a few goddam inches...the fuck.

However, he just jumped away from Gojo.

Kenzo scowled at the sight of Gojo seemingly unaffected by the explosive attack not his attack. "Tough bastard, aren't you?"

Gojo, with his characteristic grin, quipped, "You'll need more than that to put a dent in me, Kenzo. Come on, impress me."

The shadowy army and Kenzo's favorite Knight,Igris launched a coordinated assault, surrounding Gojo from all sides. Gojo, however, didn't seem particularly concerned. He shifted into a defensive stance, ready to counter the impending onslaught.

As the shadow soldiers and the knight closed in, Gojo swiftly moved between them, a blur of white hair and blue energy. He deftly dodged, weaved, and countered, disbanding the shadow soldiers with precise strikes. Despite their numbers, they proved no match for Gojo's overwhelming skill.

Kenzo, frustrated, launched a series of swift punches and kicks, aiming to overwhelm Gojo with speed and unpredictability. However, Gojo effortlessly parried and blocked every attack, his movements almost anticipatory.

"You're quick, Kenzo, but you lack finesse. Speed alone won't cut it against me, I have a lot of experience fighter speedy fighter" Gojo taunted, his movements fluid and controlled.

Kenzo, undeterred, decided to change tactics. He utilized his gravity manipulation to make himself lighter, increasing his speed even further. He then combined this with his teleportation ability, appearing at different points around Gojo in rapid succession, launching surprise attacks.

Kenzo then used his large mana supply to buff all of his strong soldier and to buff himself, The soldiers were now strong enough to tank hit from Gojo meaning Gojo had to try and to that Gojo just smile before pulling down his blindfold and Kenzo felt something wasn't right.

As Gojo pulled down his blindfold, the atmosphere shifted. A menacing aura emanated from him, and Kenzo could sense an overwhelming surge of cursed energy. The air grew heavy as Gojo uttered those dreaded words, "Hollow Purple."

Suddenly, a void of purple energy manifested around Gojo, creating an eerie purple dome that expanded rapidly. Kenzo, caught off guard, realized the gravity of the situation. This wasn't just a simple technique; it was one of Gojo's most potent and devastating skills.

Kenzo's shadow soldiers, once formidable, were now being annihilated by the oppressive force of Hollow Purple. They disintegrated into nothingness as if they never existed. Even Kenzo himself felt the pull of the void, the destructive power of Gojo's technique threatening to consume everything in its path.

The clash between Kenzo's condensed mana ball and Gojo's Hollow Purple created a cataclysmic scene. The impact echoed through the surroundings, shattering trees and tearing the very fabric of the environment. It was a clash of immense proportions, a struggle between the raw power of Kenzo's mana and the unyielding force of Gojo's Hollow Purple.

As the two forces collided, Kenzo couldn't help but feel the sheer weight of Gojo's ability. It was relentless, like an unstoppable force of nature. However, amid the chaos, Kenzo sensed another surge of Hollow Purple coming from behind him.

In disbelief, he turned to see another dome forming, and it was closing in fast. It dawned on him — Gojo could indeed spam this devastating technique.

The realization struck him like a punch to the gut. How could he possibly contend with an opponent who could unleash such destructive power repeatedly?

With a split-second decision, Kenzo poured even more mana into his spinning ball, trying to overpower the Hollow Purple behind him. The clash intensified, and for a moment, it seemed like Kenzo might break through. Yet, the relentless force of Gojo's technique persisted, threatening to engulf Kenzo in its annihilating grip.

In the midst of this chaotic exchange, the battleground transformed into a surreal landscape of destruction, a testament to the clash between two formidable forces.

"Nope, not dealing with this "Kenzo said as he teleported away from the two hollow purple, panting a bit.

Kenzo's teleportation saved him from the impending threat of Gojo's relentless Hollow Purple onslaught. As he reappeared a distance away, a slight panting betrayed the exertion he had put into that maneuver.

Gojo, ever the unyielding force, materialized in front of Kenzo with that trademark grin. "Have you run out of steam yet?" he taunted.

Kenzo, catching his breath, shot back with a confident smile. "Nah, I'm just getting started."

(meanwhile my man look like this...)

"Then let's continue," Gojo said, his smile holding a hint of excitement. The next round of their intense battle was about to unfold, each move and countermove echoing through the tumultuous arena they had created.

{Status recovery has been used}

Kenzo, catching his breath, eyed Gojo with determination. He had pushed himself to the limits, utilizing his newly acquired skills and summoning powerful shadow soldiers to aid him.

The battlefield was in disarray, trees shattered and the ground scarred from the fierce clash of curses and techniques.

"Now it's my turn," Kenzo muttered, a newfound energy surging through him. He accelerated toward Gojo, who welcomed the challenge with a confident stance.

Their fists collided in a flurry of strikes, and Kenzo noticed that his blows were now leaving a more substantial impact. The training, the grinding, it was all paying off.

Using his dagger he kept trying to get past this bastard infinity.

Kenzo summoned his knight, which now radiated a more potent aura. The combined efforts of Kenzo and his shadow soldiers seemed to put Gojo on the defensive. Each punch, each strike carried more weight, and Gojo, despite his formidable skills, had to exert himself to keep up.

Yet, Gojo, ever the cunning and experienced sorcerer, adapted swiftly. He countered Kenzo's strikes with a mix of blue and red.

The battlefield turned into a dazzling display of contrasting energies, with Kenzo persistently pushing forward and Gojo expertly deflecting and countering.

Kenzo, taking a risk, infused his attacks with a unique combination of mana and gravity manipulation. Each punch carried a gravitational force, making them harder to predict and evade.

Gojo, impressed by the creativity, still managed to hold his ground, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of the battle.

Kenzo rushed toward Gojo intending to hurt this blindfolded man as much as possible, using domain amplification was nice and all but it was a lot harder to use his techniques.

Something however felt wrong.

With a swift hand movement, he unleashed a torrent of red energy.

"Oh... that's why, "Kenzo said as he realize that he was about to get fucked, however with his quick thinking and the fact that he was decently smart, he used his enhanced speed and teleportation, evaded the deadly energy

"The fuck, that almost hit me," Kenzo said to which Gojo who seem to have come back to his senses said

"You supposed to get hit dummy, it's a fight"


Time skip 2 minutes

The fight reached a crescendo, both combatants giving their all. Kenzo felt the strain, his mana reserves depleting, but he refused to yield. Gojo, ever the mentor, observed and tested his student, gauging how far Kenzo had come. The clash of their abilities echoed in the clearing, a testament to the intensity of their training and the growth Kenzo had achieved.

As the battle raged on, Kenzo couldn't help but revel in the challenge.

As the battle unfolded, Gojo, with an almost playful demeanor, intensified his assault. His movements became a blur, a dance of calculated strikes and overwhelming power.

Kenzo, despite his best efforts, found himself increasingly on the defensive, struggling to keep up with the sheer speed and skill of his sensei.

Gojo, his blindfold now removed, displayed an unprecedented level of prowess. He effortlessly countered Kenzo's attacks, reading them as if they were written in slow motion. Each of Kenzo's strikes seemed anticipated, leaving him vulnerable to Gojo's precise and devastating counterattacks.

"Come on, Kenzo," Gojo taunted, his voice carrying over the clash of blows. "You've got potential, but you're holding back. You need to grasp your innate technique and bring it to reality. It's the key to unlocking your true strength."

Kenzo, gritting his teeth, knew that Gojo was right. The concept of an innate technique—a unique power that resonated with one's soul—was something Kenzo had been struggling to fully understand and manifest.

Gojo continued to press the attack, not relenting for a moment. "Your mana is strong, but you need to shape it, give it a form. What's your technique, Kenzo? What is it that defines your existence in the world of curses?"

In the midst of the onslaught, Gojo's words echoed in Kenzo's mind. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, focusing on the core of his being. Images and sensations flooded his mind—a swirling vortex of gravity, an intricate dance of shadows. He felt a connection, a resonance with these elements.

There was something in there, something looking at him