The slaughter (42)

As Kenzo turned the key in the lock, the dungeon's gateway creaked open, revealing a sight that sent shivers down his spine. Stepping through the threshold, he found himself in an abandoned city, a desolate landscape frozen in the grip of decay.

The once bustling metropolis now lay in ruins, a haunting testament to the relentless passage of time and the malevolence that had gripped this forsaken place.

Broken skyscrapers jutted out like skeletal remnants of a forgotten era, their shattered windows reflecting a fractured skyline against the overcast heavens.

Nature, relentless in its reclamation, had woven its tendrils through the concrete and steel. Vines crawled up the sides of dilapidated buildings, their emerald foliage contrasting sharply with the muted tones of decay.

Trees, born from the seeds of neglect, stood tall amidst the ruins, their roots intertwining with the remnants of man-made structures.

The streets, once bustling with life, now lay in disarray. Cracked pavement and twisted metal lay scattered, and the echoes of footsteps that had long faded were replaced by an eerie silence.

Abandoned vehicles, covered in a shroud of dust and rust, lined the desolate roads like relics frozen in time.

The air carried a heavy stillness, broken only by the occasional creaking of decaying structures and the distant rustle of leaves stirred by an unseen breeze.

As Kenzo walked through the skeletal remains of the city, he couldn't shake the feeling of being an intruder in a place where life had once thrived.

Yet, amidst the desolation, signs of rebirth emerged. Nature, tenacious in its resurgence, painted a tapestry of green amidst the grays and browns of urban decay.

Wildflowers pushed through cracks in the pavement, reclaiming the ground inch by inch. The city, though ravaged, bore witness to the cyclical dance of destruction and renewal.

As Kenzo stepped through the portal, the air crackled with malevolent energy, and before he could fully comprehend his surroundings, a horde of demonic beings lunged at him with ferocious intent.

The twisted forms, with eyes ablaze and menacing features, closed in on him.

Yet, instead of fear, a confident smile played on Kenzo's lips. With a swift motion, he reached into his inventory, drawing forth a gleaming dagger that seemed to resonate with a subtle power.

The blade caught the ambient light, casting an ethereal glow as Kento locked eyes with the demonic assailants.

"This is going to be a slaughter," he declared, his voice carrying a mix of assurance and anticipation.

The demons, momentarily taken aback by his fearless demeanor, hesitated as if sensing the impending clash with a formidable adversary.

In that charged moment, Kenzo stood as a lone warrior, ready to face the onslaught of demonic forces.

The dagger, an extension of his determination, gleamed with the promise of a battle that would unfold in the shadowy depths of the forsaken city.

The dance of combat was about to commence, and Kenzo, undaunted, embraced the challenge with a warrior's resolve.

The portal's eerie glow framed the impending clash, and with a calculated step forward, he plunged into the fray, the dagger in hand and the echoes of impending slaughter reverberating through the accursed realm.




{Health: 20375                                         Mana:8400

Vitality: 175                                      Intelligence:80

Sense:14                                          Agility:120


"Who are you and what are you doing in our land"The demonic creature asked and that alone seemed to stun Kenzo,he didn't expect them to be able to speak, so far all he had met were barbarians who didn't know any better.

Kenzo was about to reply when his senses told him to move his head to the right to which he obey and did,a blade covered in some weird substance that smelled of death flew past his head.

Kenzo looked at the blade before turning around to notice that he was surrounded by that demonic creature, They were all around them and seem to be ready to hunt.

Kenzo smiled before opening his mouth and saying "Why should to people that are going to die anyway"

This little taunt seems to anger some of them while it seems to barely affect some other.

"You think a mere human can kill us dont make me laugh"The demonic demon infront of him said to which Kenzo just smiled.

"We will put your head on a stake and burn your body when this is over, this disrespect shall not stand, "Another demon said to which Kenzo just smiled before saying.

"Then do it"

"You must be one of the crazy humans,you are surrounded and and yet you still act brave,i cant tell if you are just stupid or brave"The demon said picking up what seemed to be a giant axe from the floor.

"I think yall got this wrong,I am not surrounded,you are, "Kenzo said as all around them, a bunch of shadow soldiers started to appear all around them.

The demon looks around to see the soldier before readying up their weapon and getting ready for a full on battle.

"Leave none of them alive"Kenzo said and as soon as those words were said,the land started to be painted in red as Kenzo sat on a nearby rock watching his soldier absolutely slaughtered his soon to be underling.

It was a brutal sight indeed but he had grow used to it,he had grown to seing such gore after going through multiple dungeon and killing multiple monster.

He just put them in the back of his mind before checking his domain....something about it seemed off