The quest (44)

From what he could gather about Sukuna, he was a calamity a true monster that cared about no one but himself, a demon you may say a fallen creature that shouldn't exist.

and yet he still was the strongest thing to exist back in the Hein era and that gave him a clue about curse energy....that shit was dark and unlike humans, it seem to have no morals.

It seems as if the more arrogant someone was, the stronger they would be which seems to check out...Gojo check of that box and he was an arrogant fuck.

Though, unlike Sukuna, he won't kill you for merely existing near him, he would tease you though, goddam manchild, Although he does feel like there is loneliness being the only one at the top.

He for example love the thrill of a fight and because Gojo exist he get to fight someone that stronger than him at least 3 time a week, sure he lose but that is not bad, at least he is enjoying it.

Gojo on the other hand is just at the top, no one came close to him, and unless Kenzo was given a full year to train he wouldn't catch up to him anytime soon.

He must feel so empty inside having all that power but being unable to do much about it, it must have been an infinite void.....unlike Sukuna he doesn't seem to possess that violent tendency, although Kenzo could feel the craziness hiding beneath that mask of tranquility.

Kenzo sighed to himself, getting he had to spend time with the white-haired man, he may not say it out loud but Gojo was his sensei and he refused to let him stay alone.

He should probably do some research about Gojo, his resolve to help his sensei increase when he realizes that Gojo's infinity seemed like the perfect representation of how the thing was right now, between Gojo and everyone else, there was an infinite gap.

Why does this man seem to keep people so far away from him?

"I will cross that goddam gap," Kenzo said as he looked at his hands, he was Gojo's strongest student and he refused to let his sensei drown in his misery.

He would beat this blindfolded idiot if he had to, although right now he stood no chance he just needed a boost in skill not power, he could keep up with Gojo, and with his buff he could be considered faster, and stronger physically.

That shit however doesn't matter to Gojo as his goddam infinity negated that advantage...

He just needed skill.... a lot of it and mastery over those skills.

Kenzo sighed to himself before breaking the barrier that he had made.

{Skill domain expansion has been ugraded}

Kenzo looked at the description and didn't mind that it changed from the ordinary, he had just set himself a goal and he was about to reach it no matter what challenge came in his way.

As soon as the barrier was close, Kenzo saw all of his shadow soldiers bowing to him presenting him with all they had gathered.

Kenzo looked at everything before looking back at his shadow soldier and saying "Good job,yall can come back now"

They all bowed before all returning to his shadow once again.

{Quest: Easing Gojo's Solitude}

{Description: Unveiling a hidden facet of your revered teacher, Satoru Gojo, you've learned of his loneliness at the pinnacle of strength. Driven by empathy and a desire to support him, you've made it your personal mission to delve into Gojo's past, seeking to understand the roots of his isolation. Embark on a journey to unravel the layers of the enigmatic Gojo and provide companionship where it is needed.}


{Black Heart: A rare artifact pulsating with otherworldly energy, said to hold the essence of death itself}

{Title: The Strongest Student of Satoru Gojo: A prestigious title acknowledging your prowess and connection to the mighty sorcerer himself.}

{5 Health Potions: Potions crafted to restore vitality and mend wounds swiftly.}

{5 Mana Potions: Elixirs designed to replenish magical energy and enhance arcane abilities.}

{Gain Gojo's Favor: A token of acknowledgment from Gojo himself, unlocking potential opportunities and strengthening your bond with the revered teacher.}


Kenzo looked at the reward before he smiled brighly,this would be fun and that just motivated him to try his best...

Time to help his sensei.

Pov change

Satoru Gojo sank into the plush confines of his chair, the weight of his solitude pressing upon him. Lost in a cascade of thoughts, he gazed at his hands, each finger bearing the weight of the formidable power he wielded. The room around him seemed to fade into the background as the currents of introspection took hold.

Gojo's mind retraced the steps of the recent spar with Kenzo, a fleeting yet impactful encounter that had left an imprint on his memory. As he revisited the clash in the training grounds, the vivid recollection of Kenzo's blows struck a chord of realization within him.

Gojo had a smile on his face as he thought of that.

The sensation of being touched, of feeling the impact of an opponent's strikes, echoed in Gojo's contemplation.

"He truly grows fast."Gojo said with a smile on his face,he was genuily excited about the thought of actually having a challenge somewhere in the future.