The objects (47)

Kenzo lay sprawled on the floor, panting heavily, the exertion of the basketball game evident in the beads of sweat that dripped from his fatigued form. The makeshift court bore witness to the intensity of the clash between student and teacher, the echoes of their game fading into the charged air.

His gaze shifted to the scoreboard, and a heavy cringe contorted Kenzo's features. The numbers on the board, a stark representation of the outcome, revealed the toll the game had taken on him. The score told a story of skill, strategy, and perhaps a touch of Gojo's whimsical prowess.

Gojo, with that ever-present smile, approached the exhausted student. "Well, Kenzo-kun, it seems the victory is mine today," he remarked, his tone playful yet acknowledging the effort Kento had put into the game.

{Status recovery has been used.}

Kenzo stood back up looking as if he wasn't tired to begin with, he then looked at Gojo before saying "What are you talking about, I am still standing and I have more than enough energy to beat you in basketball"

Kenzo's sudden resurgence, standing as if fatigue had never touched him, drew an intrigued arch of Gojo's eyebrow. The white-haired sorcerer couldn't help but be impressed by the resilience displayed by his student.

"Oh? Is that so, Kenzo-kun?" Gojo replied, his playful smile widening. "I must say, I'm impressed. Ready for round two, are we?"


Kenzo continue to play the match a bit uncaring about the final score,he had a small idea to use his ability to cheat but that didnt sit well with him.

What was the point of using it and getting overpowered once again,he didnt want this to become another battle of strenght and he didnt want that,he would beat his sensei in due time but for now he wanted to actually get to see another side of his sensei instead of the cocky one.

At this point he had even forgotten about the quest,all he wanted to do was to reach out to his sensei.

Time skip

Gojo somehow find it easier to bond with Kenzo, something about his ability to control the enemy he had defeated somehow made it easy for him to bond with him.

As Kenzo maneuvered on the court, attempting to get past his sensei, a sudden image flashed in Gojo's mind. The mental portrait depicted a tall, slim figure with long black hair, artfully tied behind the head while the remaining strands cascaded gracefully down the back. This mysterious individual bore small, enigmatic black eyes, occasionally obscured by bangs that gracefully framed the left side of the face.

The man's earlobes, prominently adorned with large circular earrings, hinted at a touch of unconventional style. His hair, though shorter than the iconic white mane associated with Gojo, retained a distinctive allure with most of it elegantly gathered, yet the bangs remained, retaining a certain prominence in the overall aesthetic.

This mental image, a brief yet vivid glimpse, seemed to linger in Gojo's thoughts as he continued to engage in the basketball match with Kenzo. The mysterious figure, a fragment of memory or perhaps a fleeting vision from the past,

Kenzo ability reminded him of 'him'....Gojo smiled a bit before suddenly sighing a bit...this was going to be very fun.



"Oh, Kenzo-kun, do you still have the fingers?" Gojo inquired, undoing his barrier. In response, Kenzo merely looked up at Gojo and replied, "Yeah, they're still in my inventory."

"May I have them back?" Gojo asked, his gaze fixed on Kenzo. In return, Kenzo questioned, "Why?"

"Oh, the higher-ups just want to have them in a more secure place," Gojo explained, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Those old geezers just don't like the fact that they're not in control."

"I didn't take you for the kind of man to listen to them," Kenzo remarked, looking at Gojo. In response, Gojo shrugged, saying, "I felt like being nice."

"If I may ask, what are they going to do with it?" Kenzo inquired, studying Gojo's expression. Gojo replied casually, "I am technically supposed to hand it over to them in a week's time, but I would much prefer doing that after Halloween."

" you'll just keep them on you until Halloween is over... Yeah, that seems safe," Kenzo conceded, a hint of resignation in his tone. He then pulled out the fingers from his inventory, seemingly acquiescing to Gojo's decision.

"By the way, do you need the curse womb?" Kenzo asked, pulling out the three curse wombs from his inventory.

As Kenzo pulled out the curse womb from his inventory, an immediate and peculiar connection seemed to form between him and the macabre entities. They exuded an eerie aura, a delicate equilibrium between life and death, as if suspended in a state of paradoxical existence.

The curse wombs, seemingly alive yet unmistakably devoid of life, resonated with an otherworldly energy. Their presence created an unsettling ambiance, leaving Kenzo with a profound sense of the delicate balance they maintained between the realms of the living and the deceased.

"Oh, you can do whatever you want with those," Gojo said in a dismissive tone, seemingly unconcerned about the significance of the curse wombs.

"Aren't they very important and all?" Kenzo questioned, to which Gojo simply responded with a nonchalant "And??"

"What do you mean, 'And'? Why could you possibly dismiss them so easily?" Kenzo questioned, studying Gojo's nonchalant demeanor. In response, Gojo simply replied, "Let's see how your ability works."

Kenzo gazed intently at the curse womb in his hands, contemplating Gojo's cryptic request. Without hesitation, he tightened his grip, and the curse wombs crumpled within his hands. As the eerie entities succumbed to his strength, blood began to seep from Kenzo's hands, adding a visceral and unsettling element to the act.

The crimson liquid oozed between his fingers, creating a macabre tableau that bore witness to the intertwining forces at play.

"Arise," Kenzo commanded, and from the remnants of the crushed curse wombs emerged three shadowy figures. These ethereal entities took form before him, standing as silent manifestations of the sorcerer's command.

The black, shadowy figures hovered in front of Kenzo, their inscrutable forms exuding an otherworldly aura.

The first shadowy figure materialized into a tall, well-built man with jet-black hair and piercing violet eyes with dark sclera. Adorned with thin eyebrows, two stud piercings accentuated them. The most distinctive and unsettling feature on his form was a large, bloody face on his back. With sunken eyes, a noseless countenance, and a lipless, open mouth adorned with long, sharp teeth, it exuded an air of macabre horror.

Beside him, the second figure took shape. Turquoise in color, it bore a hunchbacked silhouette, its claws extending ominously. Two mouths, both lined with jagged teeth, added to its grotesque appearance. A small face adorned the upper part of its head, while a giant mouth gaped just beneath it. Dark blood dripped from its eyes and both mouths, creating an unsettling tableau of eerie malevolence.

The room, bathed in the shadowy presence of these entities, seemed to resonate with the unnatural energies harnessed by Kenzo. The two figures stood, silent emissaries of the sorcerer's command, awaiting further instructions in their spectral forms.

Lastly, Kenzo's gaze fell upon the third shadowy figure, appearing more humane than its eerie counterparts. The entity manifested as a predominantly human figure with long, stringy black hair tied into two high ponytails that extended upward and outward. His features included small dark purple eyes with slightly thin eyebrows.

What set him apart was a distinctive blood mark that extended from both sides of his face across the bridge of his nose, adding an element of mystery and intrigue to his appearance. The figure stood with an air of somberness, a semblance of humanity intertwined with the shadowy essence that defined its existence.

The trio of shadowy entities, each with its unique and unsettling characteristics, formed a silent assembly before Kenzo.