Maki (53)

As Kenzo strolled around with his hands in his pockets, he noticed Maki in the distance, and a genuine smile brightened his face.

s Kenzo approached Maki with a smile, he couldn't help but notice a subtle annoyance in her expression. Knowing he usually teased her, he decided to playfully address it.

"Alright, alright, I promise, no teasing today,that a promise"Kenzo said as he notice that the bowstaff that she was using seemed to be a bit bruised while her hands seemed to have some callous on them.

As Kenzo noticed the slight wear on Maki's bo staff and the callouses on her hands, he couldn't help but be impressed. He raised an eyebrow and commented, "Looks like someone's been putting in serious work. That staff has seen some action."

Maki, with a hint of pride in her eyes, replied, "Training's tough, but that's the only way to get stronger."

"You're probably the most hardworking person I've ever met," Kenzo commented, holding the back of his head with his hands, a genuine compliment breaking through his usual playful demeanor.

Maki, caught off guard by Kenzo's sincere compliment, wore a stunned expression. It seemed as though she hadn't anticipated such genuine words coming from him.

Kenzo, noting her surprised reaction, offered a lighthearted explanation, "Why the shock face? I'm not an arrogant man. I'll admit it myself when I see something is true, and what I said is the truth."

"It's just that I didn't expect that to come from you," Maki admitted, her tone holding a touch of surprise.

Kenzo, responding in his characteristic straightforward manner, questioned, "What about me screams arrogant dick that can't see progress in others, only himself?"

Maki shot him a discerning look, her silence prompting him to relent. "Alright, I may be arrogant, and I may be a huge ass sometimes, but I usually stay within a limit. Most of the time, anyone could tell I'm bluffing."

Maki, with a slight smirk, responded, "Fair enough. I guess even the 'huge ass' has his moments of clarity."

Kenzo just smile before saying "So you can make jokes."

"Anyway,how the bowstaff treating ya"Kenzo said as he looked at the bowstaff in her hands.

Maki's eyes lit up with a spark of excitement as she delved into an animated explanation of the intricacies of her bowstaff techniques and how she had been refining her skills.

Her enthusiasm was contagious, and even Kenzo, usually composed and teasing, couldn't help but watch her with a small, genuine smile.

Maki, realizing she had been enthusiastically rambling about her bowstaff techniques, abruptly stopped herself and offered a quick apology. "Sorry, I tend to get carried away."

To her surprise, Kenzo dismissed her apology with a wave of his hand and a reassuring smile. "Nah, you can go on. It's nice seeing someone so passionate about what they do."

As Kenzo and Maki strolled around Jujutsu High, Kenzo's gaze suddenly shifted, scanning the surroundings before locking onto a stranger. The stranger, with an air of arrogance, remarked, "My, my, my... I didn't expect the failure of the Zenin family to be here."

The stranger's words carried a tone of disdain, a thinly veiled insult directed at Maki.

Kenzo looked confused upon seeing the person, sensing the palpable hatred the stranger held for Maki.

"Naoya," Maki uttered, her voice laced with a hint of venom.

"Oh, my favorite punching bag can talk," Naoya sneered, looking at Maki with a dismissive arrogance that further fueled the tension between them.

Naoya gaze shifted towards Kenzo, who observed the unfolding situation with keen eyes.

"So you're the new special grade sorcerer, huh?" Naoya remarked, his tone a mix of curiosity and condescension.

"What do you want?" Kenzo's voice carried a cold edge, unwelcoming to Naoya.

"Why don't you become a Zenin? We'll give you anything you desire, and you won't have to settle for such a wretch as her," Naoya sneered with a condescending tone, his gaze disdainfully fixed on Maki.

"No," Kenzo declared firmly, looking directly at Naobito. He refused to accept such a deal, understanding from Maki and Gojo that sorcerer families weren't exactly known for their kindness, but treating someone with such disdain went beyond what he was willing to tolerate.

Naoya confident demeanor wavered, replaced by a flicker of confusion at Kenzo's straightforward refusal. The unexpected response seemed to catch him off guard, and for a moment, his arrogance faltered as he tried to process why someone would turn down what he considered a tempting offer.

"Now get on your knees and apologize to Maki," Kenzo commanded, pointing his finger towards the floor as he fixed a stern gaze on Naoya.

Naoya, taken aback by the audacity of the demand, began to form a retort. However, before he could utter a word, an overwhelming force seemed to compel him. His body, against his will, bowed down as if facing an irresistible force, leaving him powerless to resist.

"Now apologize before I end your miserable existence," Kenzo asserted with a threatening tone, his eyes piercing through Naoya. The air grew heavy with the weight of the ultimatum, and the outcome of this confrontation hung in the balance.

Naoya seethed with anger. How could he be so thoroughly embarrassed by someone not even born into a sorcerer family? If it weren't for Gojo's protection, he might have been tempted to unleash his fury on this arrogant upstart.

The gravity around Naobito increased to the point that his body created a dent on the floor. Kenzo's determination was evident as he stated, "I will continue to increase the gravity until you apologize." The pressure in the room intensified, reflecting the escalating tension between the two adversaries. The threat of increased gravity hung heavily in the air, a silent warning urging Naoya to yield.

eeling the oppressive force of the intensified gravity, Naoya swallowed his pride. "Fine! I apologize, Maki," he grumbled, his voice strained. The words carried a bitter taste, forced out against his will, but the pressure around him lessened with Kenzo's satisfaction.

Maki seem a bit happy at that.."Now leave, your wasting our oxygen level"Kenzo said to which Naoya left in a hurry. Not before shooting a glare at Maki.

"He seem like a bother "Kenzo said upon looking at Naoya leave.

"You have no idea"Maki said with a sigh.

"What is your goal"Kenzo suddenly asked to which Maki reply "To kill the whole zenin clan"

"Alright so guess I need to make sure you get stronguer than this bum and even better let make you stronguer than the whole zenin clan"Kenzo said with a grin on his face.

Maki's eyes widened in surprise at Kenzo's words. For a moment, she was taken aback by his offer. The idea of surpassing the entire Zenin clan, a family steeped in tradition and sorcerer prowess, sounded both daunting and intriguing. It was an unexpected proposal from someone who, until now, had mostly teased and provoked her.

"Are you serious?" Maki asked, trying to gauge the sincerity in Kenzo's eyes.

Kenzo chuckled. "Of course, I don't make empty promises. If you're up for it, I'll help you become stronger than anyone in the Zenin clan."

Her face seem to turn a slight shade of red as he gave her a smile,why was she blushing so much all of the student and why did she now started to notice that he looked quite cute.