Black flash (58)

"Where's Kenzo-senpai?" Yuji inquired, his hands casually tucked into his pockets as he scanned the training field.

"Patience, he'll be here soon," Megumi replied, his demeanor calm and composed, as if waiting for Kenzo had become a routine.

Yuji continued to look around, searching for another familiar face. "And Kugisaki-san? Where is she?" he asked, his curiosity evident.

"Kenzo-san gave her some physical activities to do. She won't be here for today's training," Megumi explained, his tone matter-of-fact. Despite the absence of two key figures, he appeared unfazed, fully focused on the impending training session.

Yuji, though slightly disappointed by the news, nodded in understanding. "Alright then, let's get started. No point in waiting around," he declared, eager to make the most of the training time available.

"Yow, I am here," Kenzo announced, materializing right in front of Yuji and Megumi. The sudden appearance didn't seem to surprise them, as if they were already accustomed to Kenzo's knack for making dramatic entrances.

Yuji grinned, unfazed by Kenzo's sudden appearance. "Took you long enough, Kenzo. We were starting to think you got lost."

Kenzo chuckled, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Lost? Please, I always know where I'm going...."

"Alright, for today's training," Kenzo began, his hand casually tucked into his pocket, "I want Yuji to focus on landing two Black Flashes back to back. And as for you, Megumi," he continued, turning his attention to his other student, "we'll have a little sparring session to see how far you've improved."

Yuji's eyes lit up at the challenge, determination shining in his gaze. "Two Black Flashes? Got it, Senpai! I'll make it happen."

Megumi, ever composed, nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm ready, Kenzo-senpai. Let's see where I stand."

Kenzo frankly doesnt know why they started calling him senpai,he was a first year and he was around their age but he wouldn't really stop him.

"Alright then, let's get started," Kenzo declared, summoning Choso to face Yuji while he turned his attention to Megumi.

As they moved to a more secluded area, Kenzo, hands in his pockets, looked at Megumi with a challenge in his eyes. "Give me your best."

Without hesitation, Megumi summoned his Divine Dog, Totality, and the battlefield came alive with intensity.

The divine beast rushed towards Kenzo, who deftly dodged its attack. Seizing the opportunity, Megumi closed in, delivering a swift punch that landed successfully.

However, Kenzo's smile remained unwavering. He moved with agility and grace, ducking under another attack from Megumi and countering with a well-timed kick. In a sudden twist, Megumi vanished into the shadows, leaving Kenzo momentarily uncertain of his opponent's whereabouts.

The Divine Dog, unfazed, continued its assault on Kenzo. As it charged, a snake materialized, attempting to trap Kenzo in place.

With a confident smile, Kenzo skillfully avoided the snake's strike, displaying his mastery over the situation.

Suddenly, the battlefield was filled with a swarm of rabbits, their movements disorienting Kenzo. Undeterred, he navigated through the onslaught, his vision blurred but his focus unwavering.

"The rabbits were a good distraction, but I need to exploit his momentary disorientation. The frogs from below might catch him off guard."

From the shadows beneath him, frogs emerged, their tongues attempting to ensnare Kenzo. In a swift motion, he leaped away, avoiding the trap set by Megumi.

Kenzo smiled a bit upon seeing the way that Megumi was using his shadow like an extension of himself.

The dance of shadows and attacks continued as Kenzo expertly ducked under Nue's assault.

Megumi seized the opportunity, emerging from the shadows behind Kenzo, attempting to catch him off guard with a swift punch. However, Kenzo, always alert, quickly sensed the incoming attack and managed to block it just in time.

The clash of their punches echoed through the training field, a testament to the intensity of their exchange. Kenzo, with a determined grin, retaliated by throwing a punch toward Megumi.

In a sudden twist, a frog's tongue shot out, latching onto Kenzo's arm just as he threw a kick at Megumi. The unexpected interference disrupted the flow of Kenzo's attack, preventing it from reaching its intended target.

Seizing the opportunity, Megumi utilized the distraction to his advantage. With precision and speed, he aimed a powerful kick toward Kenzo's face. The kick sailed through the air, and for a moment, it seemed as if the tables were turning in Megumi's favor.

However, Kenzo, despite the unexpected hindrance, displayed his agility and adaptability. With a quick and well-timed maneuver, he managed to evade the incoming kick, narrowly avoiding the impact.

Observing Megumi's creative use of techniques, Kenzo acknowledged the strategic and inventive approach that Megumi was taking. With a smile, he decided it was time to bring the spar to a close.

"Let's end this," Kenzo declared.

In an instant, Kenzo moved with a speed that caught Megumi off guard. Despite Megumi's agility and tactical thinking, Kenzo's swiftness proved overwhelming. In the blink of an eye, Kenzo appeared behind Megumi, executing a precise strike that rendered him unconscious.

As Kenzo carried the unconscious Megumi on his back and entered the room where Yuji was training with Choso, he was met with a scene of intense combat. Black flashes seemed to fill the room, indicating the rapid and powerful strikes from Yuji.

Kenzo's eyes widened as he observed Yuji's technique in action. Each punch landed with devastating force, causing considerable damage to Choso's chest. The room resonated with the echoes of powerful impacts, creating a dynamic atmosphere of both chaos and precision.

Despite the destruction wrought by Yuji's Black Flash, Choso displayed an impressive ability to regenerate, his chest healing rapidly...Kenzo eyes went toward his system panel where he could notice that he was losing Mana....good to know.

Though Yuji did look a bit demonic while landing those black flashes