The walking cheat vs The cheat itself (64)

In the wake of the laughter, the battle resumed with a sudden burst of intensity. Gojo, floating above, gathered the formidable energy for a full-powered Red Cursed Technique. The vibrant red sphere crackled with ominous energy as it surged towards Kenzo.

Reacting with swift agility, Kenzo dodged the impending attack, teleporting to a new position behind Gojo. In a split-second, Kenzo threw a powerful punch, aiming for his sensei's exposed flank. However, Gojo's reflexes were as sharp as ever, and he swiftly turned, blocking Kenzo's punch with a well-timed defense.

Undeterred, Gojo retaliated with a counterpunch that landed square in Kenzo's gut. The impact reverberated through the young sorcerer's body, and for a moment, the forest held its breath as the clash between mentor and student continued.

The clash between Kenzo and Gojo became a relentless, dynamic dance of sorcery and combat. Each punch, block, and evasive maneuver echoed through the air, creating a rhythmic symphony of power.

Kenzo, recognizing the need for an upper hand, strategically deployed his shadow soldiers, Igris and Malgrim, in a coordinated assault. The shadows moved with calculated precision, attacking from different angles and providing Kenzo the opportunity to exploit any opening in Gojo's defenses.

Gojo, despite the onslaught, responded with uncanny skill, countering the shadow soldiers and deflecting their attacks. The forest became a chaotic battleground, with shadows flickering among the destruction, adding an additional layer of complexity to the already intense clash.

The atmosphere shifted as Gojo, with a smile playing on his lips, declared, "Alright, let's get serious now." The anticipation hung in the air, and Kenzo, momentarily confused, prepared for what would come next.

In an instant, Gojo initiated his Domain Expansion with a resounding command, "Unlimited Void." The surroundings morphed into an otherworldly space, dominated by the formidable power of Gojo's domain.

Kenzo, not one to back down, quickly responded. "Domain expansion... Shadow Monarch Domain!" The air rippled as Kenzo unleashed his own domain, creating a space that resonated with the shadows under his command.

The clash of the two domains created a surreal battleground, where the Unlimited Void and the Shadow Monarch Domain coexisted in a delicate balance. The forest, already scarred by their earlier battles, bore witness to the unfolding clash between these two powerful sorcerers, each vying for dominance within the confines of their respective domains.

Gojo's grin widened as he observed Kenzo's strategic move. "Smart cookie, aren't ya," he remarked, a glint of admiration in his eyes.

Kenzo, unfazed, simply shrugged. "I had to find a way for my domain to withstand yours," he explained, meeting Gojo's gaze with determination.

Gojo's smile persisted as he acknowledged Kenzo's resolve. "Let's see how long your domain lasts," he declared, the challenge echoing through the surreal space where the Unlimited Void and the Shadow Monarch Domain clashed

The exchange between Kenzo and Gojo unfolded in a breathtaking sequence of movements. Kenzo, fueled by determination, rushed at Gojo with remarkable speed. His fist cut through the air as he aimed a punch at Gojo, who effortlessly dodged the oncoming attack.

Seizing the opening, Gojo retaliated with a swift punch of his own, but Kenzo, with a burst of agility, teleported away, leaving Gojo's strike to meet empty air. In the blink of an eye, Kenzo summoned Igris, one of his shadow soldiers, to the fray.

Igris lunged at Gojo with ferocity, its movements a testament to Kenzo's strategic use of his shadow allies. Gojo, ever vigilant, raised his guard to block the incoming assault. In the midst of the clash with Igris, Kenzo, exploiting the distraction, teleported behind Gojo.

With precision and speed, Kenzo landed a powerful punch on Gojo's exposed flank.

As Kenzo's powerful punch connected with Gojo's flank, a smirk played on the student's face. The impact, however, elicited a subtle acknowledgment from Gojo. His body slightly jolted forward, absorbing the force of the blow.

A grin spread across Gojo's face, an admiring glint in his vibrant blue eyes. "Not bad, Kenzo," he remarked, his tone a blend of approval and amusement.

Sensing a subtle shift in Gojo's energy, Kenzo's instincts kicked in. Without hesitation, he tapped into his mastery of gravity, manipulating the forces around him with precision. As Gojo unleashed a potent Red Cursed Technique, Kenzo deftly nullified the oncoming attack by distorting the gravitational field.

The red energy, once a formidable force, wavered and dispersed under the influence of Kenzo's control over gravity.

In the split second that Kenzo's attention was focused on nullifying the red energy, Gojo seized the opportunity and appeared behind him, poised to strike.

However, the element of surprise was thwarted by the swift intervention of Kenzo's shadow soldier, Igris.

With uncanny timing, Igris materialized, sword at the ready, intercepting Gojo's impending strike. The clash of sword against unseen force resonated through the mystical space, creating a brief moment of suspended animation within the ongoing battle.

In a display of unmatched agility, Gojo leaped away, creating distance before swiftly employing his Blue Cursed Technique. The ethereal blue energy extended towards Kenzo, entwining around him like an invisible thread. Before Kenzo could react, the force pulled him towards Gojo with a sudden and irresistible pull.

In the culmination of this strategic maneuver, Gojo's fist collided with Kenzo's chest with precision. The impact resonated with a sickening thud, causing Kenzo to cough up blood as the force dispersed through his body.

Kenzo, momentarily staggered, and regained his composure, eyes reflecting a mix of pain and determination.

Kenzo however just spewed out the blood like nothing had ever happened.

As Gojo made a hand sign with his fingers, Kenzo sensed a sudden shift, an unsettling disturbance in the fabric of his domain. Confusion and frustration furrowed his brow as he realized that his domain was being overwhelmed, its integrity compromised.

"The hell?" Kenzo muttered, a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice. It didn't take long for him to discern the reason behind the sudden imbalance. Gojo, with a grin on his face, had made a strategic choice—trading away his sure hit for a more formidable domain.

Upon this realization, a momentary silence hung in the mystical space. Kenzo, somewhat irritated, narrowed his eyes at Gojo. "Oh, you sneaky cheat," he declared, his annoyance now voiced. The grin on Gojo's face persisted, a silent acknowledgment of the calculated move he had made.

Gojo's grin widened in response to Kenzo's accusation. "Cheat? No such thing in a real fight, my boy," he replied with a playful glint in his vibrant blue eyes. "It's all about adapting, evolving, and keeping your opponent on their toes. Isn't that what I taught you?"

Kenzo's annoyance was palpable as he voiced his frustration. "Yeah, and someone being able to change their domain rule and condition right in the middle of a domain clash... I call BS," he declared, his tone laced with a hint of exasperation.

Gojo, maintaining his nonchalant and playful demeanor, chuckled in response to Kenzo's protest. "Well, well, Kenzo. In the world of sorcery, sometimes you need to bend the rules a bit to keep things interesting," he remarked with a twinkle in his eye.

The atmosphere seemed to lighten as Gojo embraced the playful banter. "Think of it as a lesson in spontaneity and unpredictability," he added, his grin widening. "Besides, where's the fun if you always know what your opponent's gonna do?"

Kenzo's frustration was evident as he bluntly expressed his irritation. "Fuck you," he retorted, a scowl on his face as he looked at Gojo.

In response, Gojo's smile only widened, his playful demeanor undeterred by Kenzo's annoyed outburst.

Gojo's grin persisted, and he replied with a carefree shrug, "Jeez man I am not Maki so no you can't fuck me,you can try though"

The sarcasm was literally dripping from his voice, even high this man was annoying.

"The brain damage finna hit after this" Kenzo said to himself to which Gojo just replied,

"Heh, you can instantly heal yourself so no need to worry"

Kenzo, keenly aware of the gradual breakdown of his domain and the encroaching dominance of Gojo's Unlimited Void, discerned the mentor's strategy. The realization hit him like a revelation—Gojo's plan was unfolding, and he could see the calculated moves.

In the midst of their intense clash, Kenzo understood that Gojo aimed to systematically dismantle his domain, creating a vulnerability before swiftly switching conditions to regain his sure hit. It was a tactical maneuver that showcased Gojo's strategic brilliance.

As the forest's mystical space resonated with the echoes of their battle, Kenzo faced a critical decision.

With a confident smile, Kenzo unleashed a surge of mana, enveloping his entire body in a formidable armor. The manifestation of this magical defense left no part of him vulnerable, creating an imposing presence that radiated power.

Undeterred by the encroaching Unlimited Void, Kenzo seized the initiative. His grin widened as he manipulated gravity with precise control, increasing the weight around Gojo. The atmosphere itself seemed to respond to Kenzo's command, slowing Gojo's movements as if the very air had turned dense and heavy.

With newfound speed and the weight of gravity working in his favor, Kenzo charged at Gojo.

In the mystical battleground, Kenzo, fortified in his mana armor, and with a grin etched on his face, unleashed a relentless assault. Shadows converged as Igris and Malgrim, his shadow warriors, moved with calculated precision, attacking Gojo from different angles.

The forest echoed with the swift strikes and clashes as Kenzo's shadows engaged Gojo. The sheer speed and agility of the shadow warriors added an unpredictable element to the clash. As the shadows danced, Kenzo himself closed in on Gojo, his movements a seamless blend of magical prowess and martial skill.

The weight of gravity, manipulated by Kenzo's control, bore down on Gojo, making each movement feel like an effort. Despite the pressure, Gojo displayed his usual uncanny agility, blocking, dodging, and countering with a fluid grace that defined his combat style.

Kenzo, undeterred, kept the pressure on. His relentless assault left Gojo with little room to breathe. Punches and kicks were exchanged at a blistering pace, the air resonating with the intensity of their battle. Shadows flickered and dispersed, only to reform in new patterns as Kenzo orchestrated his offensive strategy.

In the mystical space, Kenzo's movements became a blur, surpassing the limits of human perception. Darting around with supernatural speed, he appeared in front of Gojo in the blink of an eye. Their fists collided with a force that sent shockwaves rippling through the domain, creating an ethereal spectacle within the ongoing clash.

The impact of their clash was palpable, yet Kenzo refused to yield. Despite being sent flying upward by the full-powered Red Cursed Technique that struck his gut, he exhibited unwavering determination. Kenzo, undeterred, propelled himself back into the fray, rushing at Gojo with renewed vigor.

Calling upon the aid of his shadow warriors, Kenzo orchestrated a coordinated assault. Shadows converged, striking from all directions as Kenzo and his allies unleashed a barrage of attacks on Gojo. The forest's mystical space echoed with the chaotic dance of combat, a testament to Kenzo's resilience and strategic prowess.

Amidst the flurry of strikes and shadows, the clash between mentor and student reached a frenetic pace.

In the heart of their mystical clash, Gojo unleashed his most formidable technique, "Hollow Purple," a manifestation of devastating energy. The purple energy surged forward, an unstoppable force that sought to overwhelm everything in its path.

However, Kenzo, undeterred, condensed his mana to an extraordinary degree, creating a ball of energy with its own gravitational pull. Unknowingly fusing his control over gravity with his mana, Kenzo's eyes began to take on a purple hue as an unknown energy enveloped his body.

The collision between Kenzo's condensed mana and Gojo's Hollow Purple created a spectacle of cosmic proportions. It was a clash of titanic energies, a battle between two forces that defied the laws of conventional sorcery. As their attacks met, Kenzo felt the strain, the overwhelming strength of Gojo's technique pushing him back.

Yet, with an indomitable will, Kenzo persisted. His eyes gleamed with a newfound intensity, and the unknown energy coursing through his body seemed to reach a crescendo. Against the odds, Kenzo pushed away the Hollow Purple, disintegrating it with sheer determination.

Brimming with a surge of energy, Kenzo, now more powerful than ever, rushed toward his sensei once more.

Gojo watched as Kenzo rushed toward him as from his point of view it seemed as if the literal death God was rushing toward him.