Speaking with Gojo (68)

Kenzo appeared in front of Gojo, who was in a rather peculiar sleeping position on the tip of the couch, eyes closed in what seemed to be deep rest.

"Hey, sensei, wake up," Kenzo called out, a smirk playing on his lips as he observed Gojo's comical sleeping arrangement.

Gojo stirred slightly, one eye cracking open as he peered at Kenzo. "Mmm... What is it, Kenzo?" he mumbled, clearly not fully awake.

"I've got some news. Dungeon business. Monarch Succession. I'll be heading in tomorrow," Kenzo informed him, watching for Gojo's reaction.

"Monarch Succession, huh?" Gojo mused, his tone maintaining that familiar carefree vibe. "Not your everyday dungeon choice. What's got you itching for a challenge like that?"

Kenzo leaned casually against a nearby surface, meeting Gojo's gaze with a confident yet respectful demeanor. "High risk, high reward, sensei. And you know me—I'm always up for pushing my limits and adding some spice to life."

"Truth, you better tell me how it was when you come back," Gojo said with a smile, the playfulness in his tone underscoring genuine interest. The sparkle in his eyes conveyed both curiosity and anticipation, as if he were already savoring the tales Kenzo would bring back from the challenging depths of the Monarch Succession dungeon. The nonchalant demeanor held steady, but there was a subtle warmth in Gojo's expression, emphasizing the camaraderie between sensei and student.

Kenzo grinned, appreciating Gojo's enthusiasm for the impending stories. "Oh, you can count on it, sensei. I'll make sure they're tales to keep you entertained."

As Kenzo prepared to teleport away, Gojo couldn't resist a mischievous tease. "Just make sure you don't get too scared down there, Kenzo. we wouldn't like you to get spooked"

His tone carried a playful edge, and the glint in Gojo's eyes hinted at the teasing nature of his remark. The nonchalant smile on Gojo's face suggested that he was just adding a touch of banter to keep the atmosphere light-hearted.

"I don't think they can throw anything at me to scare me," Kenzo said confidently, looking back at his sensei.

"Aren't you confident," Gojo added with a grin. Kenzo shrugged, offering a cheeky response, "Learned it from ya, sensei." Their banter continued, showcasing the playful dynamic between the student and his laid-back, yet charismatic, teacher.

"Do make sure to come back before Halloween; we wouldn't want to miss out," Gojo said with a mischievous grin, adding a playful touch to his words. The mention of Halloween only fueled the sense of lighthearted banter between them, emphasizing Gojo's knack for injecting humor into even the most serious topics.

"I can try to speed up the process, but why do you want me to come back again?" Kenzo asked, genuinely curious.

Gojo grinned mischievously, his playful tone evident as he replied, "You wouldn't want to leave your girlfriend alone for the holiday now, would you?" The teasing remark showcased Gojo's ability to turn any situation into a light-hearted moment, adding a touch of humor to the conversation.

"You should have realized that I would find out eventually. You can't hide it from me anymore," Gojo said with a wide smile on his face. The playful tone in his words suggested that he might have uncovered a secret or piece of information about Kenzo, adding an air of intrigue to their banter.

"I knew it would happen eventually," Kenzo said nonchalantly.

"So, what y'all have planned for Halloween? Are you going to give her some treats before y'all do some tricks?" Gojo said with a teasing expression on his face.

"Really, Satoru... really," Kenzo replied with a bored expression, the exchange showcasing the typical banter between the student and his playful sensei. Gojo's teasing continued, keeping the atmosphere light as they discussed plans for the upcoming holiday.

"Come on, tell me more. I am curious," Gojo said with a smile on his face, his eyes glinting with genuine interest. The playful anticipation in his expression suggested that he was ready to enjoy the details of Kenzo's plans, perhaps hoping for some entertaining anecdotes or surprises.

Kenzo rolled his eyes, recognizing Gojo's insatiable curiosity. "There's nothing much to spill, sensei. Just a regular Halloween night, maybe a movie, some snacks, and whatever else Maki has in mind."

Gojo's grin widened, and he nudged Kenzo playfully. "Ah, the simple pleasures. Well, make sure it's memorable. Halloween only comes once a year, you know."

"Ah, would you look at that, a man that is scared of women trying to give me love advice," Kenzo said, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Gojo. The playful jab highlighted the humorous dynamic between the two, with Kenzo not missing a chance to poke fun at his sensei's eccentricities.

Gojo chuckled, unfazed by Kenzo's remark. "Scared of women? Nah, my friend, I just prefer to be alone,its quite comfy"

Kenzo sigh before just teleporting away...there was no winning with this man but before he was fully gone he heard Gojo say"I would like some sweet snack"