The teleportation (70)

The morning sunlight gently filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across Kenzo's room. As Kenzo stirs awake, the remnants of the passionate night linger in the air, a hazy memory of shared intimacy. The room, now bathed in daylight, seems to carry the secrets of the previous night, a silent witness to the unspoken connection that unfolded between him and Maki.

Kenzo stretches, the sheets clinging to him as he recalls the vivid moments. The disheveled state of the room mirrors the intensity of their shared experience. As he glances around, the scattered remnants of their closeness—clothing,was that his shoes on the floor...

Kenzo slowly walk out of his the bed before going to the bathroom,he might as well take a shower before he get teleported,as he looked at the mirror a very familiar sight appeared infront of him,ignoring all the kiss mark along his neck,their seem to be some icky on his neck and it seem like someone had dug their nail deep withing his back as those marking didnt lie.

Fun fact,his agility stats controlled alot more than he had originally thought..his dexterity being one of them as for his stamina that was taken into account by his vitality.

Long story short,some serious forces must have been imposed on his back if it lead to some marking like that,he better heal it before it get to late....he doesnt really remember if he had a regeneration skill but if he didnt he would just cover the marks until he level up or something then it will just automatically heal on its own.

Kenzo steps into the bathroom, the cool tiles beneath his feet providing a contrasting sensation to the warmth that envelops him. He adjusts the water temperature, allowing it to reach a soothing heat before stepping into the cascading flow of water.

The sound of running water fills the space, creating a tranquil atmosphere. Droplets slide down his skin as he stands beneath the showerhead, the sensation serving as a gentle awakening. The steam begins to dance in the air, creating a veil that shrouds him in a private sanctuary.

As Kenzo lathers up with soap, the fragrance of the shower gel mingles with the steam, creating a sensory symphony. The suds cascade down his body, carrying away the traces of the night's passion. He takes his time, each movement deliberate, as if washing away more than just the physical remnants.

The warm water courses over his skin, soothing both body and mind. With eyes closed, Kenzo immerses himself in the moment, allowing the sensation of the water to wash away the residual tension from the previous night. The bathroom becomes a refuge, a space where the complexities of the virtual world momentarily fade, leaving only the simple act of cleansing.

After what feels like both an eternity and a fleeting moment, Kenzo steps out of the shower, the bathroom now filled with the lingering warmth. Wrapped in a towel, he gazes into the mirror, the reflection revealing a sense of renewal. The marks on his back, though still present, seem less pronounced, as if the water has played its part in the healing process.

Leaving the refreshing embrace of the bathroom, Kenzo walks back into his room, the warm steam trailing behind him. He glances at the array of clothes neatly arranged on a chair, a silent invitation to embrace the day.

Choosing a set of clothes, Kenzo takes his time getting dressed. The fabric slides over his skin, a tactile reminder of the tangible world within the virtual one. The act of clothing himself becomes a deliberate ritual, each button and zip a small, grounding detail in the midst of the game's complexities.

As he slips into a pair of comfortable jeans and pulls a shirt over his shoulders, the room fills with the rustle of fabric. The clothes, chosen for both comfort and style, become an extension of his virtual identity. The attire, a subtle expression of his personality, provides a sense of normalcy in a world defined by the extraordinary.

Completing his look, Kenzo takes a moment to run his fingers through his damp hair. The mirror reflects a composed figure, the morning's activities and the anticipation of the day ahead etched in his expression.

Kenzo, after dressing, approaches the peacefully sleeping figure of Maki. A tender smile graces his lips as he leans down, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. The gesture is a silent farewell, a moment of connection before the impending separation dictated by the game.

As his lips leave her cheek, Kenzo steps back, watching as Maki stirs awake. Her eyes slowly open, and Kenzo, locked in a gaze with her, offers a reassuring smile.

Before any words can be exchanged, the digital forces governing the game abruptly whisk him away.

The world around Kenzo dissolves, replaced by the eerie glow of the dungeon's entrance. The sudden teleportation is jarring, and as his surroundings come into focus, Kenzo finds himself standing at the threshold of the foreboding dungeon.