Maki improvement (76)

Naobito swiftly initiated his anti-domain technique, Falling Blossom Emotion, a secret art designed specifically as an anti-domain countermeasure. Unlike Nobara's Simple Domain, which created a protective barrier, Falling Blossom Emotion responded to an enemy's domain by unleashing cursed energy the moment it made contact.

The secret technique bestowed upon Naobito the ability to resist the effects of an opponent's domain expansion, making him a formidable force against curses that manipulated the environment around them. Dagon, the evolved curse spirit, assessed the situation with narrowed eyes as he realized that Naobito and Nobara were seemingly unaffected by his domain expansion.

Dagon's gaze shifted between the two unaffected individuals, calculating the threat they posed. The old man, Naobito, undoubtedly stood out as the primary adversary, but the girl with the Simple Domain, Nobara, had proven to possess a peculiar ability that could harm him.

In the midst of battle, Dagon formulated a strategic assessment, assigning percentages of threat to each of his adversaries. The old man held the highest risk at 50%, the girl with the Simple Domain followed at 15%, the girl encased in glass at 30%, and the remaining person at approximately 5%.

Dagon's analytical approach revealed the intricate balance of power between them, setting the stage for a clash of techniques and strategies. The battlefield buzzed with tension as each participant prepared for the escalating confrontation, aware that the outcome hung in the delicate balance of percentages and tactics.

As Dagon executed his plan, the environment underwent a sudden shift. With his hands joined together, a surge of malevolent energy enveloped the surroundings, heralding a new phase of the battle.

Naobito found himself under a relentless assault from a swarm of shikigami, ethereal entities that seemed intent on overwhelming him. The onslaught demanded all his focus and skill as he struggled to maintain his Falling Blossom Emotion, countering the effects of Dagon's domain expansion.

Nobara, too, sensed a disturbance in her Simple Domain. It felt as if an unseen force was attempting to unravel the protective barrier she had erected. Determined, she engaged in a silent struggle, pouring her cursed energy into fortifying the defenses of her domain against the unseen assailant.

Maki and Nanami, on the other hand, were beset by a horde of creatures spawned by Dagon's domain. Maki, showcasing her immense strength, pushed the creatures away before wielding her bowstaff to crush them. Nanami mirrored her actions, swiftly breaking free from the grasp of the shikigami, though it seemed weaker than the assault on Maki.

Amidst the chaos, Dagon seized the opportunity to launch a direct attack on Naobito. With a powerful punch, he sent the seasoned sorcerer hurtling through the air, exploiting the distraction caused by the relentless onslaught of shikigami.

The battlefield had transformed into a maelstrom of curses and countermeasures, each participant grappling with the unique challenges presented by Dagon's domain expansion. The clash intensified, and the outcome of the confrontation hung in the delicate balance of skill, resilience, and strategic maneuvering.

Amidst the chaos of shikigami assaulting Maki, Dagon seized the opportunity to exploit the distraction. The evolved curse spirit, his movements fueled by malevolence, lunged towards Maki with a swift and formidable strike. The air crackled with the intensity of the impending clash.

Despite being surrounded by a multitude of fish shikigami, Maki remained composed. In the midst of the swirling aquatic entities, she adeptly wielded her bowstaff with precision and finesse. As Dagon's attack descended upon her, Maki's reaction was swift and calculated.

With a deft movement, she positioned her bowstaff in a defensive stance, intercepting Dagon's strike. The impact resonated through the battlefield, creating a momentary stillness in the midst of the tumultuous battle. Maki, resolute and unyielding, stood her ground against the onslaught, the defensive prowess of her bowstaff proving to be a formidable barrier against Dagon's aggression.

The clash between Maki and Dagon, amidst the aquatic chaos, exemplified the dance of strength and skill on the battlefield. The relentless assault of fish shikigami, coupled with Dagon's ferocious attacks, painted a vivid picture of the ongoing struggle between curses and sorcerers in this tumultuous encounter.

Dagon, his eyes ablaze with hostility, would utter a threatening declaration, "I need to end you quickly, sorcerer."

In response, Maki, undeterred and exuding confidence, would retort with a cocky grin, "Good luck with that. I'm not one to be taken down so easily, fish boy."

Dagon, fueled by determination and frustration, intensified his assault on Maki. The strikes came with increased force, an attempt to overwhelm her defenses and break through her guard. Each blow echoed through the battlefield, a testament to the sheer power behind Dagon's attacks.

Yet, Maki, ever agile and resolute, met the onslaught head-on. With a combination of deft maneuvers and swift parries using her bowstaff, she managed to keep up with the torrent of strikes. The clash unfolded in a flurry of movement, the air filled with the sounds of collision as Maki skillfully avoided lethal blows, showcasing her remarkable agility and combat prowess.

While the relentless assault took its toll, leaving Maki with a few hits, she adeptly avoided any potentially fatal injuries. Her resilience and skill were evident as she danced through Dagon's attacks, her cocky demeanor unwavering in the face of adversity.

The force of Dagon's punch sent Maki hurtling backward, but she skillfully used her bowstaff to aid in a swift recovery. Wiping away the blood from her cheek with determination, she taunted the special grade curse, "And you call yourself a special grade curse...what a joke."

Enraged by her defiance, Dagon prepared to launch another assault. However, before he could unleash his fury, Naobito intervened with his projection sorcery, freezing the giant octopus in a frame. The frozen entity was then propelled toward Maki, who, with a powerful swing of her bowstaff, shattered the frame, causing Dagon to spew blood as he was sent crashing backward.

Undeterred, Dagon, fueled by anger, summoned a horde of shikigami to blind and disorient his adversaries. Seizing the opportunity, he rushed toward Maki with ferocious intent. As the shikigami swarmed around her, biting into her skin, Maki's instincts signaled impending danger.

In a moment of quick thinking, she looked up to find Dagon's fist mere millimeters away from her face. Instead of succumbing to shock, Maki grinned and uttered a command, "Extend." In an instant, her bowstaff extended rapidly, defying the proximity of Dagon's fist. The extended weapon struck the curse spirit's guts with incredible force, sending him flying before he could land his intended blow on Maki.

Nobara suddenly jumped toward Nanami making sure that he was inside her simple domain as well,however she also had to pay the burden of having him in there and now instead of 15% she had to face 20%.

She could bear through it,Upon seing what Nobara was doing Maki she was basically giving them a space to rest inside her simple domain wasnt that nice.

Nanami thanked Nobara to which she just reply with something along the line of if you want to thank me then lets get out of this alive....

Even though Nobara hated the training that Kenzo put her through with all her guts....she had to admit if he didnt trained her that roughly every day to the point that she was gasping for air and unable to move because he was so rough....his training had payed off.

A/N....yeah, I am not rewritting...that last paragraph is staying...