Igris Loyalty {84}

The being's words hung in the air, each revelation adding another layer of complexity to Kenzo's understanding. As the figure approached, its form shifting to resemble those familiar to Kenzo, a profound sense of disorientation settled over him.

"You could live in this world forever if you wanted to. It would be like never waking up from a happy dream," the being declared, its voice a haunting melody in the air. Kenzo, still grappling with the surreal nature of the situation, questioned its motives.

"So, what do you want? Me to stay in this world that you created?" Kenzo's gaze remained fixed on the being, awaiting an explanation.

"No... I didn't create this world; you did," the being asserted, adopting the appearance of Inumaki. Kenzo's confusion deepened, a mixture of realization and uncertainty playing on his features.

"I created this world?" Kenzo repeated, a note of bewilderment in his voice.

"Your desire to fix your mistake, along with my power, created this world. This is my domain," the being explained, its form now resembling Maki, walking past Kenzo with an air of detached inevitability.

"This is eternal slumber," it declared, transforming into Sukuna.

"This place is death," the being continued, taking on the appearance of Utahime. The weight of the revelations hung heavily in the air as Kenzo grappled with the implications of his own desires intertwining with the power of this mysterious entity, giving birth to a world that blurred the lines between dream and reality.

"Even though you were very close to death's door on multiple occasions, you still wanted to live," the being intoned, its voice now a reflection of Kenzo's own. The recounting of Kenzo's tumultuous journey, marked by tragedies and hardships, laid bare the resilience that had defined his existence.

"Death chased you down since you were born, and yet you lived. Your mom died while in the middle of giving birth to you, yet you survived. Your father died in car crashes, and even if you were in the front seat, you survived as well. At a young age, you were forced to raise yourself, and yet you still continue to live. You never gave up and continued to want to live," the being declared, each statement carving a testament to Kenzo's unyielding spirit.

"I am the record of your struggle, the evidence of your endurance, and the reward to your struggle. I am also death, eternal slumber in terror... I am you," the being concluded, its words resonating with a profound and eerie truth.

As the being revealed its final form, taking on the appearance of Kenzo and standing directly in front of him, the weight of its words settled heavily on his shoulders. The echoes of a life marred by brushes with death, losses, and the unyielding struggle to survive reverberated through the room.

Kenzo stood face to face with his own reflection, not in a mirror, but in a manifestation of his own experiences and desires.

"Within my domain, you are free to do whatever you want. You can give life and take it away," the being declared, its voice echoing through the space. As it spoke, the atmosphere shifted, and before Kenzo's eyes, a tree materialized, its branches reaching out with vibrant life. Yet, just as swiftly as it appeared, the being made the tree vanish, leaving only the residual echoes of its transient existence.

Kenzo, standing at the nexus of this ethereal realm, felt the weight of the newfound power and freedom offered within this domain. The ability to shape reality, to create and destroy at will, danced before him like an intoxicating promise.

"So, you're saying we have the same power?" Kenzo questioned, his eyes narrowing as he observed the being. In response, the entity took on the appearance of Maki, and a sense of familiarity tinged with anticipation lingered in the air.

"I have waited so long to meet you," the being expressed through Maki's form, a statement that hinted at a connection beyond the present moment. The being then shifted back to its original form, reclaiming an identity that held the weight of authority.

"I am the Shadow Monarch who rules over death and governs the deepest depths of darkness," the being declared, its words echoing with a resonance that spoke of ancient dominion and the command over the very essence of mortality.

"Why me?" Kenzo questioned, his gaze fixed on the enigmatic being before him. In response, the being, with a voice that resonated with the echoes of ages, simply said, "Let me show you our beginning and end along with your beginning."

As those words hung in the air, the surroundings once again shifted, the vibrant cityscape dissolving into a void of darkness. Within the emptiness, fragments of memories and images began to coalesce, revealing the tapestry of the figure journey.

The Beast Monarch surveyed Kenzo's lifeless body, a sense of unease settling over him. "He has definitely stopped breathing, but why am I feeling such uneasiness?" he pondered, his gaze fixed on the frozen figure encased in ice.

Suddenly, a wave of truth and fear washed over both the Beast Monarch and the Frost Monarch. The unmistakable presence of the Shadow Monarch began to make itself known. Their attention snapped to the source of this uneasiness – the heart-pounding sound that echoed in the room.

"Wait, don't tell me," the Frost Monarch uttered, realization dawning upon him as the rhythmic beats reached his ears.

"This cannot be happening. We must kill him before the true Shadow Monarch awakens," the Frost Monarch declared with urgency. In unison, the Frost Monarch and the Beast Monarch surged forward, closing the distance to Kenzo's frozen body. The impending awakening of the Shadow Monarch stirred a deep-seated fear within them, propelling them to take swift action before the dormant power could fully manifest.

In a sudden burst of motion, Igris, the formidable shadow soldier, materialized in the room with a speed that belied his imposing stature. His obsidian armor gleamed in the dim light, and his crimson eyes glowed with an intensity that spoke of unwavering loyalty to his master.

With a swift and calculated movement, Igris lunged forward, his powerful form eclipsing the space between him and the Beast Monarch. His kick, executed with lethal precision, struck the Beast Monarch with a force that sent him staggering backward. The Beast Monarch, momentarily caught off guard, grunted as he was propelled away from Kenzo's frozen form.

Simultaneously, Igris pivoted, his attention now fixed on the Frost Monarch. Another powerful kick followed, this time aimed at the Frost Monarch, who had barely registered the sudden intervention. The impact sent the Frost Monarch hurtling in the opposite direction, the sheer force of Igris's attack breaking the Frost Monarch's focus.

Kenzo's shadow soldier, an embodiment of strength and unwavering loyalty, had swiftly and decisively intervened, creating a temporary barrier between the Monarchs and their fallen adversary.

Stunned by the audacity of a mere shadow soldier attempting to thwart their advance, the Beast Monarch and the Frost Monarch exchanged bewildered glances. Before they could react, Igris, undeterred and resolute, stepped forward, his voice carrying a quiet but undeniable strength.

"It's my fault that my liege ended up in this situation. So, to atone for my sin, I shall protect my liege's body with my life," Igris declared, his words echoing through the room with a solemn determination. His crimson eyes bore into the Monarchs, a silent challenge that spoke of unwavering loyalty and a readiness to confront any threat.

The Monarchs, momentarily taken aback by the shadow soldier's bold declaration, now faced an opponent who stood not just as a guardian but as a symbol of unyielding devotion. Igris, the shadow that had pledged to shield his liege, remained poised and vigilant, prepared to face the consequences of his past actions and defend Kenzo's vulnerable form at all costs.

The Monarchs, fueled by a mixture of surprise and irritation, launched a relentless assault on Kenzo's lifeless form, seeking to ensure that the Shadow Monarch wouldn't awaken. Igris, standing as the last line of defense, faced the brunt of their fury.

The Beast Monarch, his features twisted in a snarl, swung his massive claws with primal ferocity, each strike aimed at Kenzo's frozen body. Igris intercepted the blows, his obsidian armor absorbing the impact, but he remained resolute, refusing to yield an inch.

Simultaneously, the Frost Monarch conjured razor-sharp ice shards, hurling them with deadly precision toward Kenzo. Igris, like a guardian shadow, positioned himself between the projectiles and his liege, enduring the relentless barrage with unwavering determination.

Despite the brutal beating he endured, Igris stood his ground, his body battered but unbroken. With each blow, he reaffirmed his oath to protect Kenzo at any cost. The air crackled with the clash of elements – the furious onslaught of the Monarchs and the unyielding defense of the shadow soldier.

"I will not let you reach my liege's body," Igris declared, his voice cutting through the chaos. The room became a battleground where loyalty clashed against malevolence, and Igris, embodying the essence of the Shadow Monarch's unwavering shield, stood as a testament to the unbreakable bond between master and shadow.